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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 2 Calendar view

Digital Business

Murilo Branco
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

All companies worldwide are hiring Digital Business Managers. The 21st-century companies need to build a business plan through a digital approach, maximizing impacts, optimizing both human economical resources, and save costs in order to increase corporate profits, mainly through e-commerce platforms and web business structures.

For challenging purposes, the new breed of business managers proceeds in an innovative way, adding new methodologies, concepts, tools, and evolved knowledge of technology to traditional business plans. Moreover, this new business approach affects not only aspects of the Marketing Mix but as well as the business procedures, processes and departmental management (IT, Sales, Logistics, Administration…) leading to a cultural change within the company, required for its successful integration into the business.

1.1      Module summary content and aims

This module provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the basic fundamentals that digital business managers need to acquire to build up this new vision of how to work in the new demanding digital era, considering the business management under new angles, being all this complementary to traditional business plans.


   The module is composed mainly of tutorials and seminars and will run throughout the semester (14 weeks).

Learning outcomes to be assessed

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:


  • LO1 - Understand the concepts of digital business, including its role and application in marketing
  • LO2 - Examine the online market scenario and the new dynamics and behaviour of online consumers and competitors                                         
  • LO3 - Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of implementing e-commerce in a business setting and communicate clearly the digital business strategy for potential clients

 Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours

56 hours

Independent Study Hours

144 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

44 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Total Learning Hours

200 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

100 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Summative assessment grid

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback

Digital Business Report

2500 words +- 10%




week 16

(date and time TBC)



10 working days after the assessment

If your course is accredited by a Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB), the module requirements will specify the elements of assessment that must be passed and may override the University regulations. Please speak to your Course Leader for further advice.

Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes


Assessment 1: Digital Business Report

This assessment aims to assess students’ understanding about the basic digital business model and how it differs from a traditional business model. In this assessment, students will have to write a final business plan report for a chosen business (any service or product to be digitalized) using a digital business approach with the objective to convince the investors to support your business idea.

The report must include the elements specified in the assessment guidelines.


Marking Criteria for Assessment 5: (LO-01, LO-02, LO-03 and LO-04 will be assessed)


  • Knowledge and understanding (40%): The students should demonstrate a great understanding of what a digital business is and the advantages and disadvantages of such a business model compared to a traditional one.
  • Cognitive Skills (20%): The students are expected to analyse the relevant information and propose a basic digital platform for a business. Students should demonstrate skills of applying the concepts and theories of a digital business model into the scenario.
  • Practical and professional skills (20%): Students will need to provide recommendations for the business on how to guarantee customer engagement and customer trustiness in a digital business and how to measure and report the effectiveness of the digital business model.
  • Transferable and key skills (20%): Students will need to summarise the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed digital business model in the conclusion and the report needs to be written in a concise and consistent manner.

For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online feedback, please refer to the MIUC lms student guideline.

Remember to log into MIUC NEOlms platform daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module sites!

Here you can find the MSG: 


Detailed assessment Guidelines:


Cover page for the assessment submissions:


Here is the class outline:

Online classes and recorded

Link to online classes live and recorded.

Link for live stream online
Link to recorded classes

Digital Business Report

Details of the Assessment
Assessment Criteria
Marking Grid
Digital Business Report - Assessment 1

Week 1 - Introduction to the advent of the digital world: Internet & the World Wide Web

The first session will overview the fundamentals of the current digital world, clarifying terms, solving first questions, towards a wider concept of Digital Business beyond Internet. This session will introduce you to the structure of the module, practical methodology to be used, the assessment method and your role-play as Junior Digital Business Manager to be performed along the module.

Week 1 - Introduction to the advent of the digital world: Internet & the World Wide Web
Key concepts
Literature for this session
World Change Graphics
Recorded Class 05.10
Recorded Class 07.10

Week 2 - Digitizing the Business

This session will provide students with basic fundamentals on business services in the Digital environment, current trends and how it is related to customers, understanding the existent patterns in digital business.

Week 2 - Digitizing the Business
Literature for this session
Key concepts
Vision, Mission and Goal
Recorded Class 14.10
Formative Assessment 1 - Vision, Mission and Goal

Week 3 - Overview of Digital Business, Digital Business Patterns

This session will facilitate the understanding of designing aspects under the e-commerce perspective and the implications of the market evolution and a wide range of social-economic aspects affecting the market.

Week 3 - Overview of Digital Business, Digital Business Patterns
Key concepts
Digital Business Paterns
Netflix Business Model
Recorded Class 21.10
Tesla's Ecosystem
Sharing Economy - Peer to peer
Shopfy - Subscription/freemiun business model
Eletric scooters renting - On demand model
How to finance your business
Formative Assessment 2 - Financial scheme

Week 4 - e-Commerce fundamentals

This session will facilitate a general understanding of multichannel aspects related to digital business, the framework of the e-commerce as a channel and model as well, depicting the pillars of commercial effectiveness in Digital business and specifically focused on e-commerce.

Week 4 - e-Commerce fundamentals
Prezi to E-marketing
Literature for this session
Recorded Class 26.10
Recorded Class 28.10

Week 5 - Digital Business Marketing in e-Commerce

This session will show students the differences among digital business models, analyzing the marketing processes, features and characteristics, and implications of every single model together with the interactions with all the stakeholders involved, including the relationship between customers and business. It as well will point out the role of Mobile devices within digital business creating the mobile commerce business model.

Prezi e-marketing
Key concepts - Market Segmentation Types and Buying behvaior
Recorded Class 04.11
Recorded Class 02.11
Formative Assessment 3 - Online Marketing
Situational Analysis - 5C

Week 6 - E-commerce Project Planning

AddEditDelete This session will go through the business planning under the marketing perspective, setting objectives, understanding the importance of market research following the strategies proposed. It will provide students as well with a digital framework related the marketing mix and logistics.

Week 6 - E-commerce Project Planning
Key concepts
Literature for this session
MIUC Brand Guidelines
Formative Assessment 4 - MIUC e-commerce project
What will be metaverse?
Situational Analysis - 5C
The economist - The future of shopping
Formative assessment 5 - Situational Analysis
Recorded Class 09.11
Recorded Class 11.11

Week 7 - Digital platform Planning

This session is focused on the fundamentals to create a platform for our digital business, including a wide range of basics for the web development, IT tools, applications and further resources, necessary for any profitable digital business.

Week 7 - Digital platform Planning
Key concepts
Whatsapp business model
Digital Platform Map
Factors Startup Succeed
Recorded Class 16.11
Recorded Class 18.11

Week 8 - Building & Launching digital business

Taking into account the previous lessons, now the students will be able to approach an upper step as managing the operation processes to build the digital business and the selling/buying process once the business is launched.

Week 8 - Building & Launching digital business
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Empathy Map
Information Architecture
Exercise IA
UI/UX Design
Video UI/UX what is the difference
Formative Assessment 6 - Digital platform
Recorded Session 23.11
Recorded Class 25.11

Week 9 - Customer Engagement in Digital business

This session will analyze the remarkable importance of the customer information, how we deal with customer data in order to get clear segments and targets, which is basic for an effective digital business planning. It as well will relate the customer experience through the digital business and the key elements and methods involved in the communication and advertising in the digital world with specific attention on Social Media.

Week 9 - Customer Engagement in Digital business
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Video Digitalization in the automotive industry
How often should I post on Social Media?
Video Digital Customer Engagement
Prezi - Customer Engagement
Recorded Class 30.11
Recorded Class 2.12

Week 10 - Value Chain and Digital Business Operations

This session will address some basic analytics concepts and processes, which are crucial elements to increase commercial effectiveness in digital business through the appropriate reporting. Students will step into basic analytical scenarios and tools to understand the role that Key Performance Indicators plays in measuring the impact of our decisions in Digital Business.

Week 10 - Value Chain and Digital Business Operations
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Recorded Class 07.12
Recorded Class 09.12
Formative Assessment 7 - Value Chain and 5w2h

Week 11 - Human Resources and Project Management

This week students will learn how to coordinate a project for the business considering the different tasks to be accomplished using methods like 5w2h and the Gantt Chartt.

Week 11 - Online Security, trustness and Customer loyalty
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Video Big data and HR
Quizz - Value Chain
Video Ted Talk Metaverse future
Exercise - Excel 5w2h
Template Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart - What is it? How to apply?
Recorded Class 14.12
Recorded Class 16.12

Week 12 - Overall analysis of the project and business report preparation

In this week students will learn how to prepare their final plan and the steps for a proper business plan presentation.

Week 12 - Business plan report
Key concepts
Video Digital Transformation - World in 2030
Template - Digital Business Presentation
Video - Hwo would we live in 2030
Recorded Class 21.12
Recorded Class 23.12

Week 13 - Digital Business Plan Feedback and evaluation

This week students will learn how to create tools and indexes to understand how the business performed considering the different activities of the business.

Week 13 - Digital Business Plan and Feedback
Digital Businesss Trends
Insights from trends
Video History of Google
Digital Health Industry
Digital Health Products
Digital Health Ideas
Recorded Class 11.01
Recorded Class 13.01 (presentation Chaimae/Oloishorua, Maria/Lina, Nathalia)

Week 14 - Presentation Digital Business Project Assessment and Submission

Week 14 - Final, individual Digital Business Project Assessment and Submission
Key concepts
Digital Real State - Metaverse
Digital currency - Can banks die?
Recorded Class 18.01 (Alena, Sophie and Emmanuel presentations)
Recorded Class 20.01 (Ariadna/Kiara, Simona and Sofija presentations)