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Chinese - Intermediate Group

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Weeks 1-2


Week 3

Welcome Back, Review of Tones and Pinyin

Week 3

Week 4

Learn how to say "have" and "don't have" Learn how to ask quantity Number two in Chinese Review numbers

Week 4

Week 5

Review: Chinese zodiac, vocabulary want vs. don't want and this vs. that Learn: Say "Is it ok?" Vocabulary -These, those, some; Measure words

Week 5

Week 6

Learn Exclamatory Sentences with “tài …. Le” (太.……了) Structure Learn another use of particle “de” - Descriptive Particle 的 Learn Question Particle 呢 Learn how to say “Know How To Do Something” In Chinese Learn to use complement to express result in Chinese Learn more uses of negative adverb “méi”

Week 6

Week 7

Learn how to say I know how to do something in Chinese. Get to know different types of Verbs in Chinese Types of Verbs in Chinese: Dynamic Verbs, Stative Verbs, Modal Verbs, Relation Verbs Practice answering questions with Yes or No in Chinese. learn how to use the dào …. qù.. (到……去……) structure in Chinese Learn how to use the Modal Verb yào 要 in Chinese.

Week 7

Week 8

Learn how to ask why in Chinese with ”wèi shén me”(为什么) and how to use the structure Because...So... in Chinese with ”yīnwèi……. suǒyǐ ” (因为……所以……) Learn how to make comparison in Chinese with ”bǐ” (比) Learn about a grammatical structure: Verb Phrase used as the Subject or the Object in a sentence. Learn how to say the More with “gèng” and (更) Most in Chinese with ”zuì” (最). 

Week 8

Week 9

Learn how to use “Affirmative + Negative” Questions in Chinese Learn to place the “time” or “location” in a sentence Time or Place Adverbial at the Beginning of A Sentence Learn suīrán…, dànshì (虽然…, 但是…) Even Though…, But… . Structure Learn how to say Still, Yet, In Addition with Adverb hái (还) in Chinese  Learn hái….ne (还...呢) Structure Learn yǒude…yǒude …háiyǒude (有的...有的...还有的...) structure in Chinese Practice: review what we have seen

Week 9

Week 12

Read a story and answer the questions

Week 11

Week 13

—Locality Nouns: How to Say Up, Down, Inside, Outside, Front and Back and how to say Right, Left, On the side, There, Here, Where in Chinese —Existential Sentence in Chinese with 有 —Existential Sentence with 是

Week 13

Week 14

Complement of Direction 去 (qù) and 来 (lái) From and Through in Chinese with 从 (cóng) The 从(cóng)...到 (dào)...Structure Distance From in Chinese with 离 (lí)

Week 14

Week 16

Reduplication of Verbs in Chinese Verb + Verb Verb + yī + Verb Measure Word for Action Verbs: yī xià (一下) Perhaps, probably, might, maybe in Chinese with kě néng (可能) Questions with ba (吧) in Chinese How to say “to be interested in something” in Chinese

Week 16