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Chinese Calendar view

Chinese - Beginner Group

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - 2 - Registration Period

Week 3

Pinyin, tones and Chinese syllables

Week 3

Week 4


Week 4

Week 5

Numbers; Personal Pronouns; Age

Week 5

Week 6

Possessive Particle Question word: who Negative expression in Chinese

Week 6

Week 7

Learn how to tell date in Chinese and say your birthday in Chinese. Be able to tell the year, month, and day in Chinese. Be able to say today, yesterday, tomorrow in Chinese Learn how to say 7 days of the week in Chinese. Learn how to tell time in Chinese, whether it is AM or PM. Be able to say o'clock and minute in Chinese

Week 7

Week 8

No class

Week 9

New question word: “Which” in Chinese Learn how to say This and That, These and Those in Chinese Measure word: ge (个), wèi (位), kuài (块), xiē (些) Learn how to ask and answer price in Chinese. Be able ask how much in Chinese and say money in Chinese.

Week 9

Week 10

Learn how to say eat and drink in Chinese. Be able to answer yes or no question in Chinese and say like in Chinese. Learn how to say I live in somewhere in Chinese. We'll learn the differences between the Preposition zài (在) in Chinese and also the Verb zài (在) in Chinese. Learn how to describe something in Chinese by using the structure of Adverb hěn (很) + Adjective. Learn a very important sentence structure: Adjective as predicate in Chinese. Learn how to position a Place Word in a Chinese sentence, which is a very important sentence word order

Week 10

Week 11

Public Holiday - No class

Week 12 - Read a story

Story reading

Week 12 - Read a Story

Week 13

Final Exam - Self assessment

Week 13

Week 14 - Review, Final Exam

Week 14 - Review, Final Exam