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Russian - MGIMO - A1

Alena Krirljuk
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

The course Russian I consists of eight chapters: The Sounds of Russian; Nouns; Prepositions; Pronouns; Adjectives and Adverbs; Numbers, Dates, and Time; Verbs; and Conjunctions. The first chapter, “The Sounds of Russian,” introduces the Cyrillic alphabet and presents a guide to the pronunciation of Russian consonants and vowels. This chapter also presents aspects of the Russian writing system, e.g., spelling rules, peculiarities of capitalization, transliteration from English to Russian, as well as a brief section on different Russian letter styles.

  1. Learning outcomes:
    At the end of the training, the learner:
  • understands familiar words and phrases that are directly related to everyday communication situations (family, shopping, home, work), when people speak slowly and clearly
  • understands short, simple texts and personal messages, can find information from simple daily texts (labels, posters, directories, ads, job offers, menus, schedules)
  • can handle everyday typical communication tasks, can ask questions about others and answer questions on themselves, can communicate in a simple language, if a partner helps her/him, can describe her/his family and other people, living conditions, education and work in a very simple way
  • can write notes and compile a very simple personal message/letter, fill out formulas
  1. Study content by subject areas:
  • Getting to know each other. Personal information and family. Documents
    Greetings, speech etiquette, introductions, simpler personal information. Alphabet, the pronunciation of the Russian language, Russian names, questionnaires, question words.
  • Homeland, nationalities, languages
    Nationalities and languages. Russian geography, bigger cities, islands, etc. Finding information on the map.
  • Education, profession, work
    Studies, career choice. Specialties and professions. Language skill. Job ads, activities at work, description of a workday.
  • Service and commerce
    Postal services, banking services, shops, and shopping centers, hairdressers, etc. Speech etiquette in service stations. Information about location, opening hours and prices. Comparison. Understanding the content of guidelines, ads.
  • Leisure, hobbies, and entertainment
    Leisure time preferences. Cinema, theater, concert and other cultural events. Sports Holidays and anniversaries. Family traditions. Understanding and using factual information. Invitation
  • Food and drink
    Cafes, restaurants, and other catering establishments. Understanding the menu, ordering. Eating habits.
  • Information around us
    Ads, announcements, advertising. Places and activities.
  • Weather and nature
    Understanding the weather forecast and describing weather. Seasons.
  • Travel, transportation, vacation
    Public transport, travel planning, ticket purchase. Asking for directions and giving directions. Accommodation establishments. Sights. Writing a postcard.
  • Home and household
    Description of home. Furniture. Household appliances.
  • Body, health and health care. Clothing
    Body parts. Feelings and complaints. Getting an appointment with a doctor. Clothing items.
  • My day and time
    Description of the day. Activities. Time concepts and agreements.


  • Slavic alphabet
  • Letters and sounds.
  • Gender of words
  • Pronouns
  • The plural of nouns.
  • Congruence
  • Verb
  • Tenses
  • Question words.
  • Куда? Где?
  • Что? Кого?
  • Кому?
  • Когда?
  • На чем?
  • С кем?
  • Comparisons of adverbs.
  1. Study methods:
    Role-playing, watching and analyzing videos, reading, and listening and translation exercises, group, and pair work.
  2. Independent work:
    Ongoing independent work for doing at home, learning vocabulary, practicing in a language environment.
  3. Description of the learning environment:
    Multilingua Language Center study rooms are located in Tallinn, at Pärnu mnt. 16, 3rd floor.
    Six rooms have been fitted with tables and chairs to carry out the study. The study rooms are equipped with a computer, a projector, a CD player, a paperboard, bookshelves for teaching materials. In addition to study rooms, the Multilingua Language Center has an open office space with a school library, with a copy machine and a printer. All rooms have internet access. The rooms in the Multilingua Language Center meet all health and safety requirements.
  4. List of study materials:
    Л В Миллер Л В Политова Жили Были Златоуст 2003

O.Dolmatova, E. Novacac Точка Ру. Tochka Ru. Russian course A1 Textbook. — М., 2017, 152 с.

  1. Dolmatova, E. Novacac Точка Ру. Tochka Ru. Russian course A1 Workbook. — М., 2017, 142 с.
  2. Requirements for completing studies, including assessment methods and assessment criteria:
    The precondition for completing studies is participation in 50% contact hours.
    At the end of the course, the learner must complete an A1-level graduation test/ exam inside the training company, which includes writing, listening, reading and speaking according to the topics covered.
  3. Assessment methods. Assessment criteria
  • Listening – understands the simplest questions and the core of the information hears when the conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly and is ready to repeat.
  • Reading – understands the content of the simpler texts (labels, posters, catalogs, ads, menus, job offers, schedules), guesses the unknown words on a contextual basis.
  • Speaking – can answer questions about her/himself, speaks about her/himself, family, place of residence food using simple sentences.
  • Writing – can write a short message.
  1. Document (certificate) issued upon completion of the course:
    The certificate is issued when the completion requirements are met, i.e., that the learner has attended at least 50% of the contact hours and completed the graduation test. The certificate indicates the title of the course completed, the volume of the course or the number of academic hours, the time of the course, the register number of the Multilingua Language Center and the registration number in EHIS. The certificate is a signed by the teacher conducting the course and the Head of the Language Center.
    The certificate is issued if the learning outcomes were not achieved (the graduation test was not completed), but the learner took part in the study. The certificate is issued according to the number of contact hours attended, but not if the learner participated in less than half of the classes. The certificate is signed by the Head of the Language Center.
  2. Description of the trainer’s qualification or study or work experience:
    Teachers conducting Russian language courses have all the teachers’ qualifications and long-term experience in teaching Russian for adults

Here is the class outline:

1. Presentation

Russian I
Module Study Guide

2. Midterm Exam

Details of Assessment
Assessment Criteria - Marking Grid

3. Final Exam

Details of Assessment
Assessment Criteria - Marking Grid

4. Assignment 4 - [Put title here]

5. Assignment 5 - [Put title here]

6. Week 1 - The Sounds of Russian

Week 1 - The Sounds of Russian
The Russian (Cyrillic) Alphabet
Introductory phonetics course
General Info about Sounds in the Russian Language
Basic Russian sounds and their transcription
Russian Sounds: Articulation details

7. Week 2 - Nouns

Week 2 - Nouns

8. Week 3 -Declension of Nouns

Week 3 - Declension of Nouns
Russian Cases
Nominative case of Russian nouns
Genitive case of Russian nouns
Accusative case of Russian nouns
EXERCISES Nouns in Genitive
We learn speak Russian
Russian Grammar Tables. Nouns in the Genitive Case
Russian Grammar Tables. Nouns in the Accusative Case
Conjugator of Russian Verbs
Упражнения на перевод с русского на английский

9. Week 4 - Declension of Nouns

Week 4 - Declension of Nouns
Declension program of words and phrases
Declension program of numerals

10. Week 5 - Prepositions

Week 5 - Prepositions
Москва Тема Moscou Topic
Рассказ о семье на английском “My family” с переводом

11. Week 6 - Pronouns Cases

Week 6 - Pronouns
История МГИМО History of MGIMO
About Myself – О себе
My winter holidays in Moscow - Мои зимние каникулы в Москве

12. Week 7 - Types of Pronouns

Week 7 - Types of Pronouns
Тесты ТРКИ-1
Learn Russian Tests
Exlinguo Tests
Central Russian Language School Tests

13. Week 8 - Adjectives and Adverbs

Week 8 - Adjectives and Adverbs
Склонение прилагательных
Adjectives russian exercises
Test Russian adjectives Homework
The Nominative Singular and Plural of Adjectives
Quiz Tecт
Quiz 2 Тест 2
Quiz 3 Тест 3
Quiz 8 Тест 8
Quiz 9 Тест 9
Quiz 10 Тест 10
Practice Russian adjectives in different cases Практикуй русские прилагательные по разным падежам
Dictation Languages Диктант Языки

14. Week 9 - Numbers, Dates, Time

Week 9 - Numbers, Dates, Time

15. Week 10 - Overview of Verbs

Week 10 - Overview of Verbs

16. Week 11 - Verb Tenses

Week 11 - Verb Tenses

17. Week 12 - Moods of Verbs

Week 12 - Moods of Verbs

18. Week 13 - Verbs of Motion

Week 13 - Verbs of Motion

19. Week 14 - Conjunctions

Week 14 - Conjunctions