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Spring semester - BA - IBM - Year 2 Calendar view

Introduction to programming (20-21)

Eduardo Rivera
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Introduction to Programming Languages and Scratch

Session 1 - Introduction to Programming Session 2 - Introduction to Scratch - Looks and Sounds

Week description
Exercise - Your own sprite custome

Week 2 - Scratch - Basic blocks

Session 1 - Scratch - Motion, Drawing and Text to Speech Session 2 - Scratch - Operators, Variables and User Interaction

Week description
Exercise - Sum of two numbers

Week 3 - Scratch - Control Blocks

Session 1 - Scratch - Making Decisions Session 2 - Scratch - Loops and More

Week description
Session 1 - Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Exercise Solutions
Exercise - Hide from the ball

Week 4 - From Scratch to Python

Session 1 - Scratch - Last Exercise Session 2 - From Scratch to Python - Introduction to Python

Week description
Session 1 - Game examples
Exercise - Final game in Scratch

Week 5 - Python - User Interaction and Simple Data Types

Session 1 - Python - User Interaction Session 2 - Python - Simple Data Types - Text and Numbers

Week description
Examples and Possible Exercise Solutions
Exercise - Net Benefit

Week 6 and 7 - Python - Conditional Statements

Session 1 - Python - Simple Data Types - Conditions Session 2 - Python - If Exercises Session 3 - (Session 1 of Week 7) - Random and Further If Statements

Week description
Session 2 - Possible solutions for the exercises
Session 3 - Possible solutions for the exercises

Week 7 and 8 - Python - Collections

Session 1 - Python - Introducing Lists Session 2 - Python - Dictionaries and Further Collections

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 8 - Python - Introduction to Loops

Session 1 - Python - Loops - Introduction to For and While Statements

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 9 - Python - Managing Loops

Session 1 - Python - Debugging Loops, For + Break and States Session 2 - Python - Loops - For to While, Variables in loops

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 10 - Python - Loops Summary and Looping over collections

Session 1 - Loops Summary and More Exercises Session 2 - Looping over collections

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Exercise - 2-Players Guessing Game

Week 11 - Python - Abstraction, Functions and Modules

Session 1 - Python - Abstraction and Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Session 2 - Python - Functions and Modules

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 12 - Python - Functions with Return Values, Files and Exceptions

Session 1 - Functions with Return Values Session 2 - Python - Files and Exceptions

Week description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 13 - Python Summary and Introduction to the Final Project

Session 1 - Introduction to the Final Project and Python Summary Session 2 - Starting your Final Project: Doubts and Remarks

Week description

Week 14 - Finishing your Final Project: Doubts and Remarks

Session 1 and 2 - Finishing your Final Project: Doubts and Remarks

Week description