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Spring semester - BA - Sports - Year 1 Calendar view

Introduction to Sports Management Ba Y1 SM005 2020

Jenisej Krnjaic
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

1. Google Meet Recordings


In this section, We find links with recorded classes.

2. Presentation

Introduction to Sports Management
Module Study Guide

3. Assessment 1 -In class Test (Week 5)

Details of the assessment
Assessment criteria - Marking grid

4. Assessment 2 - Presentation

Details of the assessment
Assessment criteria - Marking grid

5. Assessment 3: Final Paper (week 16)

Details of the assessment
Assessment criteria - Marking grid

6. Week 1 - Introduction to the module and welcome to the class

Introduccion to the module

7. Week 2 - Basics of Sports Management

Week 2 - ISM

8. Week 3 - Sports Marketing

Week 3: Power point presentation

9. Week 4 - Sports Marketing 2

Presentation & Notes

10. Week 5 - Loyalty

Week 5

11. Week 6 - Sports Law

Week description

12. Week 7 - Sports Contract

Week description
Presentation & Material

13. Week 8 - Sports Finance


14. Week 9 - Language 1

Week description

15. Week 10 - Language 2

Week description
Plasticity & Language

16. Week 11 - Cognitive neuroscience

Week description
Presentation and reading

17. Week 12 - Music & Cognition


18. Week 13 - Intelligence and Individual Differences


19. Week 14 - Round-up

Week description