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Fall semester - BA - Mktg - Year 3 Calendar view

Psychology of Advertising

Alena Krirljuk
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This module provides students with knowledge on advertising from the perspective of psychology. Advertising is a powerful tool in today’s world. This module familiarises students with the theories concepts that frame the study of advertising from this point of view,also the module incorporates examples and empirical cases in which these dynamics are present. In this sense, throughout the module, students will explore the way in which companies can use advertising to persuade or seduce us into buying wanted and sometimes unwanted products and services.

Here is the class outline:

1. Week 1 description

When presenting a speech, a vast amount of information is visually conveyed by your appearance, manner, and physical behavior. In public speaking, your body can be an effective tool for adding emphasis and clarity to your words. It is also your most powerful instrument for convincing an audience of your sincerity, earnestness, and enthusiasm. In this class, you will learn to use your body to express emotion and attitude, recognize different forms of body language, and identify gestures that show confidence when speaking in public. You will also learn how to demonstrate awareness of unintentional movement and use gestures to enhance speech content.

Module study guide
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Material for the week

2. Week 2 What is Advertising and where is Psychology

Week description
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Material for the week

3. Week 3 Human Mind and Behaviour

Week description
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Reading for this week

4. Week 4 The Brain : The basics

Week description
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Slides and summary and reading
A1 Video for the topic

5. Week 5 Attention and Learning

Week description
In class materials
Summary of the reading

6. Week 6 Advertising and Memory 1

Week Description
Reading and slides

7. Week 7 Advertising and memory 2

Week description
Materials for the week
The music impact

8. Week 8 Persuasion and Attitude Change

Week description
Reading and slides
Additional resources
Examples of ELM

9. Week 9 Likability

Week description
Material for the week

10. Week 10 Emotion

Week description
Material for the week
Slides and summary

11. Week 11 POwer of brands

Week description
Reading for this week
A 2 In class exercise (Presentations for the chosen topic)

12. Week 12 Options and Expectations

Week description
Slides and summary

13. Week 13 Price and Percceptions

Week description
Summary of the reading
A3 Critical comparison of the Psychology of advertising)

14. Week 14 - Wrap up

Week description
Reading and Slides
A4 Final project Psychology of Advertising