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Spring semester - MA - IBM Calendar view

Master Dissertation (20-21)

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Level 7 (Master)

Credits: 15 ECTS

Module leader: your supervisor

Office hour: Please contact your supervisor to establish the meeting schedule

Assessment methods

  • Master Dissertation (100%)

Learning Outcome

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Develop a thorough understanding of the chosen research area, including familiarity with the current debates and the ability to identify gaps of knowledge.

LO2. Develop the ability to produce a clear and consistent research-based piece of work, including: the ability to produce a research design and put it into practice through the collection and critically interpretation of data; the ability to discuss the research findings at the light of previous literature and state conclusions, identifying limitations and possible future research lines

LO3. Recognise the importance of planning and preparation required to undertake a research project and develop an ability to work independently and effectively communicate knowledge in a scientific manner.

LO4. Develop the competence to use a holistic view to critically, independently and creatively formulate and deal with complex issues.

For more detail, please download the attached MSG: MA_dissertation_Fall_2020.pdf

You can also find theĀ 

(1) Ethics form /files/100570/ETHICS_FORM_MIUC_(1)(2).docx

(2) Interview consent form (if needed) /files/100570/Interview_Consent_Form_(1).docx

Here is the class outline:


Master Dissertation
Module Study Guide
Supervision Meeting Record

Master Dissertation

Details of the assessment
Assessment criteria - Marking grid

Ethics and Interview consent form

Ethics form and interview consent form