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Spring semester - BA - Psy - Year 1 Calendar view

Learning and Higher Cognitive Processes (20-21)

Gloria Nogueiras
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


In this module you will explore the nature of the learning process and you will be introduced to traditional and contemporary theoretical approaches to the psychological study of learning.

Level 3 (Year 1)

Module Leader: Gloria Nogueiras

Office hour: to be arranged by email (

Assessment methods:

Learning outcomes: 

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the nature and key elements on the study of learning (Summative Assessments 1, 4 and 5)

LO2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key principles of the traditional and contemporary theoretical approaches to the psychological study of learning (Summative Assessments 2, 3, 4 and 5)

LO3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basics of issues related to learning, such as intelligence, creativity, and emotions (Summative Assessments 4 and 5)

LO4. Establish connections between the contents of the module and proposed resources (Summative Assessments 2, 3, 4 and 5)

LO5. Establish connections between the contents of the module and your own learning process (Summative Assessments 4 and 5)

LO6. Demonstrate a reflective attitude on your own learning conceptions and on your own way of learning (Summative Assessments 1, 4 and 5)

LO7. Demonstrate a self-critical assessment of your own learning process throughout the module (Summative Assessments 4 and 5)

LO8. Demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate ideas in a specified written, verbal or visual form (Summative Assessment 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

For more details, please see attached the Module Study Guide: YR1_(L3)_S2_(PSYCH)_Learning_and_Higher_Cognitive_Processes_MSG_2020-2021.pdf