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Sport Leadership and Governance

Pablo Bombarelli
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Sport Leadership and Governance

9 Feb, Marbella International University Centre

In this subject you will develop your skills as a leader in the sport industry. You will be introduced to the key leadership and governance trends and issues impacting local, regional, national and international sport organisations. You will utilise relevant theories and concepts to critically examine current practices.

Starting point and development of the course

General introduction to the topic of leadership

Marbella International University Center

Starting point and development of the course

Athlete Leadership in Sport teams

Leadership insights on Governance in Sport

11 Feb, Marbella International University Centre

For sport leaders to spot,share and shape evolving good practices

The European Club Footballing Landscape

Sport Leadership Rules

16 Feb

10 Human Regrets 4 Natural Power

Presentation 1

Change the Game : Good Governance in Sport

18 Feb, Marbella International University Centre

Good Governance builds trust by enabling strong relationships with key stakeholders of the game

Pre Evaluation Test

Finding a new CEO

23 Feb, Marbella International University Centre

A CEO succession is one of the most important and sensitive moments in the life of an organisation. The investment by the board and a range of key stakeholders in selecting a new CEO is substantial and yet the rate of unexpected CEO turnover is surprisingly high.

Presentation 2. 2

Leadership Overview

25 Feb

Identify the three components of Leadership , its theories, the principles that compose it, and the factors that influence it.

The origin of leadership. PAU GASOL
Misunderstood leadership

Leadership is influence

25 Feb

Describing transformational leadership How tot become an effective leader

Executive Briefing Sport Segment

Sport Leadership , personal styles

2 Mar

Identify your personal style, it´s components

Test Personal Leadership Style
Test Personal Leadership Style Score

flexibility of styles and other people's styles

4 Mar, Marbella international University Center

how to select the appropriate style to assume in responding to others

Presentación 2.3

Leadership Adapting a Style. Creating an Atmosphere

9 Mar

Difference between a follower and a leader, how to create an enabling environment

Presentation 4

Five leadership styles

11 Mar, marbella international university center

Act according to the new style, determine yours

Presentation 5

creating a leader's vision

23 Mar

Identify a vision statement

Presentation 6

Creating an atmosphere to attribute the power to lead

6 Apr, marbella international university centre

Provide an understanding of the role of followers in leadership and how to use the styles identified above to create empowering environments for others to succeed.

Leadership and Followers. Differences

creating a vision

8 Apr, marbella international university center

learn how to work within a group to develop a vision statement, a key activity for leadership development.

Presentation 7

Leadership or Boss. Followers criteria

13 Apr, marbella international university center

Just as there are many bosses who cannot lead, there are many leaders who cannot manage. And neither is better for an organization. Both cases deprive the organization of a valid resource, such as a leader who can get things done or a boss who can manage employees.

Test Sport Leadership

15 Apr, marbella international university center

17 questions

Test Sport Leadership