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Spring semester - BA - Psy - Year 4 Calendar view

Approaches to Psychotherapy (20-21)

Catalina Arguello
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Specific Resources

Important websites, Journals and information



Keep at a glance the assigned readings and content for every week

Weeky readings

Week 1 -Introduction to Psychotherapy

8 Feb

Key Issues in Psychotherapy and Counselling; Goals of Psychotherapy; Effectiveness of Psychotherapeutic Change Considerations in Therapeutic Practice

Introduction to Psychotherapy
Inspirational story
The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)
Beliefs about Psychotherapy Test - Result

Week 2 - Key Variables & Ethical Considerations in Therapeutic Practice

15 Feb

Components of Psychotherapeutic Change, The therapist variables; The client variables. Ethical Considerations in Therapeutic Practice

Week description
1.Weekly Review
VALUES list sample

Week 3 - Interview and first approaches to Psychotherapy

22 Feb

Defining Goals of Psychotherapy Interviewing; Skills and Effective tools.

Interview and first approaches to Psychotherapy
2. Weekly Review

Week 4 - Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytical Approaches to Therapy

2 Mar

Philosophical and theoretical foundations; Psychoanalytic perspectives on personality development; Object-relations therapy and self-psychology

Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytical Approaches to Therapy
Special Guest
3. Weekly Review

Week 5 - Psychodynamic & Psychoanalytical commonly used techniques

8 Mar

Understand the application of the analytic framework, free association, interpretation, dream analysis, and analysis and interpretation of resistance and transference.

Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytical commonly used techniques
Useful info
4. Weekly Review

Week 6 - Cognitive-Behavioural-Approach to Therapy

15 Mar

Philosophical and theoretical foundations; Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Principles.

Cognitive and Behavioural-Approaches to Therapy
Additional Materials
5.Weekly Review
Extra activity

Week 7 - Cognitive-Behavioural- Commonly used strategies

22 Mar 01:00 .. 02:00

This week we will begin our discussion of the practice of Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapies (CBT). We will discuss CBT in the context of the principles of interactive therapies and behavioural therapies and will discuss the basic elements and principles in CBT practice.

Cognitive-Behavioural-Approach Intro to Techniques and Strategies
Interesting resources
6. Weekly Review

Week 8 - Humanistic Approaches Introduction

29 Mar

Philosophical and theoretical foundations from approaches to person-centred therapy. We will discuss the procedures and the theoretical principles and underpinnings of psychotherapeutic techniques.

Week description
Other resources
7. Weekly Review

Week 9 - Gestalt & Existential Strategies in Psychotherapy

5 Apr

Continuing our discussion of the less widespread psychotherapeutic approaches, this week we will discuss the humanistic approaches to psychotherapy. Specifically, our focus will be in Gestalt techniques and also briefly discuss the existential approaches to psychotherapy

Gestalt & Existential Strategies in Psychotherapy
More resources
case of Gwen

Week 10 - Group- Based , Systemic and Family Approaches

12 Apr

Group dynamics; Process of family systems therapy; Several Approaches examples will be introduce.

Week 10 - Group- Based , Systemic and Family Approaches

Week 11-Mind-Body Approaches

19 Apr

Mind-body practices are techniques designed to enhance the mind's positive impact on the body. These techniques practices include behavioural, psychological, social, expressive, and spiritual approaches.

Week 11 - Mind-Body Approaches
Special Guest

Week 12 - Psychotherapy Integration

26 Apr

This week we will discuss the importance and principles of integration of therapeutic approaches in delivering results and treatment. We will also discuss the common issues in the therapeutic process, as well as the principles of evaluation of interventions and therapeutic techniques.

Week 12- Psychotherapy Integration

Week 13 - Special Contexts of Therapy

3 May

Psychotherapy with the elderly; Brief Cognitive-Dynamic Treatment of stress response syndrome. Disasters and emergencies –Psychological First Aid

Week 13 - Special Contexts of Therapy

Week 14- Students presentations

24 May

Oral presentations will take place. A nice debate on current affairs in Psychotherapy approaches wil take place

Week 14- Students presentations
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