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Spring semester - BA - Psy - Year 3 Calendar view

Criminal Psychology (20-21)

Alena Krirljuk
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 An introduction to Criminal Psychology

9 Feb
Introduction to the criminal psychology
Why are people violent
Study guide

Week 2 Explaining Criminal Behaviours – Theories

15 Feb, MIUC
Week description

Week 3 Investigating Criminal Acts-Profiling

22 Feb
Week description

Week 4

1 Mar
Week description

Week 5

8 Mar

Criminology & Criminal Psychology focuses on the fundamental aspects of Criminology but places special emphasis on the psychological approaches to understanding human behaviour and criminality. The degree addresses crime causation and the impact of crime on individuals, communities and societies, and explores psychological explanations of criminal behaviour and the management of offenders. Modules in criminology research methods will also provide you with key technical and analytical skills necessary to engage in contemporary debates surrounding policies and practices designed to prevent crime. On completion of your degree, you will possess a repertoire of skills essential for pursuing a professional career in areas such as policing, prisons and youth justice.

Week description

Week 6

15 Mar

Criminal behavior refers to conduct of an offender that leads to and including the commission of an unlawful act. Following are examples of case laws on criminal behavior: Sexual acts with a 10 year old child clearly constitute criminal behavior.

Week description

Week 7

22 Mar
Week description

Week 8

29 Mar

The meaning of Victimology and the meaning for Psychology

Week description

Week 9

5 Apr
Week description

Week 10

12 Apr
Week description

Week 11

19 Apr
Week description

Week 12

26 Apr
Week description

Week 13

3 May
Week description

Week 14

24 May
Week description