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MA (2 years) International Business Management Calendar view

Global Marketing and Marketing Plan - MA (20-21)

Ramon Garcia
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International Marketing Managers, Global Marketing Leads, Global Liaison Managers, International Business Managers, or similar titles, are key positions within any international organization to carry out Marketing or Business plans at international level. The main goals of these positions pursue clear objectives: understand international scenarios, the factors affecting their organisations and management under a multicultural approach together with social, legal and political aspects and regulations, all together under specific economic situations.
The above-mentioned factors are crucial for an effective international market plan, since it is mandatory to identify barriers and opportunities in combination with a matrix of variables involving the appropriate market research.

Module summary, content and aims

The module prepares you to become an international market team member when planning international market plans, taking part in many decisions regarding entry strategies, distribution, or any other topics within the Marketing Mix at international level, being able to collaborate in the measurement of the effectiveness and control of the planning and implementation processes.

The module aims to provide you understanding of the competitive implications affecting international market plan. Moreover, it enables you to gain in-depth understanding of the factors that govern the decision in market entry. You will learn to analyse planning, organising, and managing an international business marketing strategy in order to gain the competitive advantage in the global marketplace.


The topics covered in the module include:

  • Identifying the political, economic, social and cultural factors affecting business planning and decision making process
  • Understanding the implications of legal regulations in business expansion 
  • Applying market research techniques 
  • Developing a general Marketing Mix strategy at an international level


Learning outcomes to be assessed


  • LO1. Research and analyse reliable key market data in an international scope (Summative assessments 1, 2, 3 & 5).
  • LO2. Evaluate critically the macro-environment factors and debate their implications on selecting entry markets. (Summative assessments 1, 2, 3 & 5).
  • LO3. Analyse business opportunities and risks in a systematic manner. Explain and justify resulting strategies in an effective way. (Summative assessments 4 & 5).
  • LO4. Compile and be able to transmit analysis and strategies in an international marketing plan. (Summative assessments 4 & 5) 


Indicative contact hours

Teaching Contact Hours 

56 hours

Independent Study Hours

144 hours

Total Learning Hours 

200 hours


Summative assessment grid ( MIUC students)

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback 

In-class exercise 1

10 multiple choice questions




Week 5

(date and time TBC)


In-class exercise 2

10 multiple choice questions




Week 8

(date and time TBC)


In-class exercise 3

10 multiple choice questions




Week 12

(date and time TBC)


International Market Plan

3000 words and


and 15 minutes oral presentation




Week 14

(date and time TBC)


10 working days after the assessment


Summative assessment grid (UWL students)

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback 

International Market Plan

3000 words





Week 14

(date and time TBC)


10 working days after the assessment


Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes

Assessment 1: In-class exercise (1): Internationalization, economic and social/cultural environment.

After reaching the first month of the module, you will have to do an exercise in class consisting of 10multiple choice questions. These questions will cover the topics of internationalization, as well as the economical and social aspects. 

Assessment criteria (LO1 and LO2 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

      • Knowledge and Understanding (100%): Students will need to understand key concepts such as multinational companies, individualism, globalization, and apply them to the understanding of the possible influences in the business development.


Assessment 2: In-class exercise (2): Political and legal environment. Market research

Just after the second month of the module, you  will have to do the second exercise in class consisting of 10multiple choice questions. These questions will cover the remaining aspects of the PESTLE analysis and also practical notions on market research. 

Assessment criteria (LO1 and LO2 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

      • Knowledge and Understanding (100%): Students will need to understand practical ways to find reliable information about the market (e.g. competition) and show application of these capacities to understand the impact of political and legal frameworks in the target market. Assessment 3: In-class exercise (3): Market entry and international marketing mix.


Assessment 3: In-class exercise (3): Marketing

In week 12, you will have to do the last in-class exercise, also consisting of 10multiple choice questions. These questions will cover the topics of market entry and marketing mix design for the international market plan. 

Assessment criteria (LO1 and LO2 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

      • Knowledge and Understanding (100%): Students will need to understand key concepts related to how international companies can enter a new market (e.g. licensing, joint venture,...) and also apply their knowledge on marketing mix to the international market development.


Assessment 4: Market Plan and Presentation

For this assignment, you will have to choose one product which is manufactured and commercialised in Spain and a target country to produce an international market plan. The final choice of the product and the target country must be approved by the module leader.

You are required to analyse the key international market elements and create a market plan. The plan should first analyse the environment of the new market, such as economic, institutional, political, social and cultural environment and then investigate whether to enter the market or not based on the previous analysis. The reasoning for market entry decision must be consistent and included in the work. Furthermore, you must create a market plan which provides recommendations (including planning, implementation and controlling) for entering the new market. 

Before submitting the final plan, you will have an opportunity to present your plan in class. You will be able to obtain feedback and incorporate it into your final submission.


Your international market plan must contain the following elements:

  • Step 1: Identification of the main issues, barriers, opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses of the chosen market based on the research on:
    • Economic environment 
    • Social and cultural aspects of the environment
    • Political environment 
    • Legal aspects affecting the product itself and the new market
    • Potential competitors in the new market


  • Step 2: Explain how to utilize market research and recommend innovative information systems (utilizing business intelligence) to enter the new market effectively and efficiently. Analysis of the risks and opportunities that the new venture opens up to the existing business.


Furthermore, you should research the dependency/interaction of the given or the chosen market with Spain specifically and the EU as a whole, taking into account the current situation of the chosen market.


  • Step 3: Produce an international market plan, which consists in:
  • Decisions made based on the analysis and research the previous steps 1 and 2
  • Specific market entry strategies
  • Distribution and Pricing suggestions 
  • Promotional and sales approach
  • General recommendations for the planning, implementation and control of the proposed plan.


You will be required to present orally your international market plan Final Presentation sessions on Weeks 13 & 14. You will deliver a 15-minute presentation to the module leaderand your peers, presenting your market research, analysis and the resulting high level entry strategy..

The presentation should provide the audience  a clear picture of the business opportunity. You are required to create a PowerPoint slide (or slides using any other software) for each of the elements of the market plan (above).


Assessment criteria for Assessment 4:  International Market Plan (LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:


  • Knowledge and understanding (20%): The students should clearly summarise and identify the core aspects of the target market that are relevant. They are expected to provide relevant information about the product & market given, research and show an appropriate understanding of concepts and key factors learnt along the module.
  • Cognitive Skills (20%): The students are expected to reason their own international market recommendations (meeting the key aspects, from economical to legal factors) providing consistent arguments for the market entry decision and showing the synergies of the linkage among all the main aspects, which will be especially valued.
  • Practical and professional skills (30%): Students will need to research the main issues regarding the market entry to provide the necessary evidence to support their analysis.
  • Transferable and key skills (30%): Students will need to present the key points and data of their plan in written form in a concise and consistent manner. It will also be marked according to the usage of valid references, similar business cases information and data currently happening in their chosen market. Students will also need to demonstrate the ability of incorporating the feedback into the final plan. 



Learning materials 

The reading list for this module is available on MIUC LMS in the module area. 

  • Core textbook(s):
    • Cateora, P., Gilly, M. and Graham, J. (2009) International Marketing. New York. McGraw- Hill. 
    • Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L.H. and Sullivan, D.P. (2015) .International Business: Environments and Operations. Pearson Education Ltd 



  • Other recommended reading:
    • Browaeys, M.J. and Price, R. (2011) .Understanding cross-cultural management. UK. Pearson
    • Chia, L., (2016) E-commerce. International Business Law. Trento, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 155-176
    • Chia, L., (2016) International conflict of laws: regulation of international contracts. International Business Law. Trento, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 131-154
    • Chia, L., (2016) The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. International Business Law. Trento, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 113-130
    • Gerber, J. (2011). International economic institutions since WWII. Pearson Addison- Wesle


  • Other resources:
    • Tubbs, S. (2010) Organizational Communication, Human Communication. New York. McGraw-Hill. pp. 425-450
    • Brace, I. (2013) Questionnaire Design: How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research. Kogan Page


Remember to log into MIUC LMS daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module sites!



Here is the class outline:


International Marketing Managers, Global Marketing Leads, Global Liaison Managers, International Business Managers, or similar titles, are key positions within any international organization to carry out Marketing or Business plans at international level. The main goals of these positions pursue clear objectives: understand international scenarios, the factors affecting their organisations and management under a multicultural approach together with social, legal and political aspects and regulations, all together under specific economic situations.

Module Study Guide

Week 1 - Module organization, structure, methodology and assessments. Introduction to global mark...

The first session will overview the fundamentals related to international markets, clarifying terms, solving first questions, with a general overview of global Marketing. This session will introduce you to the structure of the module, practical methodology to be used, the assessment method and your role-play as Junior Global Marketing Manager to be performed along the module.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
BCG Product lifecycle matrix
Controllable and uncontrollable elements

Week 2. The scope and challenge of International Marketing

This session will provide students with the arguments about why settling a process for the internationalization of businesses and all the key aspects will threaten the plan along the stages of this process. It implies as well, going through the capacity of the company to adjust their objectives and tactics according with the milestones taking place along the way. Even so, the students will see how several patterns can be identified to help them through the planning. On top of this the development of world institutions plays an important role in terms of order and arbitration.

Week Content
Key Concepts
Literature for the Session
If you are looking for further challenges....
Analyze the ways companies decide to go abroad.
Evolution world tariffs

Week 3 - Economic environment and international trade: export and import

This session will facilitate the understanding of how some important international organizations regulate some international decisions in the global trade market dealing with the global rules of trade between nations, ensuring that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible, the stability of the international monetary system -system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries and their citizens- to transact with each other, providing loans to countries for capital programs.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
World Bank web page
IMF web page
Team assignment
Understanding key Macroeconomic figures
World Trade Organization

Week 4 - Social and cultural considerations in international marketing

This session will facilitate a general understanding of how customer behaviour may influence remarkably in market plans taking into account a wide range of characteristics related to specific social habits or cultural inheritance. At the same time they will have the chance to compare these aspects across regions.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Case Study
Examples of cultural localization

Week 5 - The political environment

This session will show students one of the variables that could be the most unstable depending on the political changes in every country and region, which could affect agreements among nations, so that they will understand the importance of government policies and the risks we are facing before changes that could make change the rules of international trade. From another point of view they will see how countries with a higher political vulnerability require a higher level of adaptation and the implications that this fact brings to the rest of nations regarding their international trade interests, no matter if they have agreements among them. This session will be used as well for the In-Class Exercise, in which every student will have to do an online exercise in class consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions covering the learning acquired up-to-date, as it is explained previously above.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Gazprom and Ukrania Case Study
Economical freedom map
In-class exercise 1

Week 6 - The international legal environment

This session will go through some methods, regulations, and legal aspects when carrying out international trade at global level taking into account as well specific areas that are key aspects at local level. This scenario make the planning more complex when trying to internationalize any company because it obliges you to adjust the current standards, highlighting the rights and obligations of the parties and stakeholders involved in the international trade, since the legal procedures of each country differ. The session will include the complexity when disputes arise between nations and parties or between parties residing in or doing business in different countries.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Case study
Legal aspects and PESTLE

Week 7 - Market research and information systems in international marketing

This session is focused on the obvious need of carrying our techniques of data research from the markets we want to entry or simply evaluate as potential customers or partners in a similar way we gather data from different segments in our local market to plan strategies and tactics. Moreover, the students will understand how the information systems could not only work at local level but they could as well be structured to face global data management with many possibilities under the business intelligence perspective to ensure an effective marketing and commercial effectiveness.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Market research; why and how.
Additional literature: Focus Groups

Week 8 - Multinational market regions and market groups

This session will evaluate the development of the main big regions in the world under an economical perspective applied to international trade, identifying the most important points to be taken into account when carrying out international business in those areas of the world. This session will be used as well for the In-Class Exercise, in which every student will have to do an online exercise in class consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions covering the learning acquired up-to-date, as it is explained previously above.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
In-class exercise 2
In class exercise 2_2
In class exercise 2_3

Week 9 - Planning and managing market entry strategies and products

This session will analyze two different areas. Firstly, the practical approach to enter or reject a market, by means of several well established techniques. Secondly, the implications of offering an international service or product and their implications in our planning from local to global level.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Case study
HSBC country guide

Week 10 - Global distribution and pricing

This session will be focused on two key elements of marketing when implementing international market plans: the logistics and the pricing, which acquire an extremely higher dimension at international level, depending on many variables when planning strategies and tactics, as the decision making process needs a complex evaluation of variables which are independent from one country to another.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session

Week 11 - International Promotion, Sales, and Negotiation

This session will give students an update review about how technology is positively influencing the way of doing business internationally, and how it contributes to the efficiency of many parts of the processes involved in the international trade. The session will connect the aspects regarding with the communication, promotion, and advertising at international level with the usage of the technology applied to them.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session

Week 12 - International marketing: planning, implementation and control (I)

The session will be a general overview of the international global marketing process from planning and organization when a product or service is being offered to a multicultural target of consumers, evaluating different types of business. This session will be used as well for the In-Class Exercise, in which every student will have to do an online exercise in class consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions covering the learning acquired up-to-date, as it is explained previously above.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Case study
In-class exercise 3

Week 13 - International marketing: planning, implementation and control (II)

This session will be a continuation of the previous one, but adding new elements in the process such as negotiation aspects related to the stakeholders involved in the processes.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
Market Plan Presentation
In class exercise 3_2

Week 14 - International Market plan presentation and preparation for submission

This session will be used for the final-term assessment preparation and questions/doubts review, following the guidelines established in section 8. Every student must present his/her International Market Plan for the given company. Students will receive feedback from the module leader after their presentations and they will incorporate the feedback into their final plan.

Week description
Key concepts
Literature for this session
International Market Plan