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Chinese - Advanced Group

Ming-Jin Jiang
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Here is the class outline:

Weeks 1-3



Week 4

Locality Nouns: How to Say Up, Down, Inside, Outside, Front and Back and how to say Right, Left, On the side, There, Here, Where in Chinese Existential Sentence in Chinese with 有 Existential Sentence with 是

Week 4

Week 5

Complement of Direction 去 (qù) and 来 (lái) From and Through in Chinese with 从 (cóng) The 从(cóng)...到 (dào)...Structure Distance From in Chinese with 离 (lí)

Week 5

Week 6

Reduplication of Verbs in Chinese - Verb + Verb - Verb + yī + Verb Measure Word for Action Verbs: yī xià (一下) Perhaps, probably, might, maybe in Chinese with kě néng (可能) Questions with ba (吧) in Chinese How to say “to be interested in something” in Chinese

Week 6

November 10 2021

Dynamic / Aspect Particle le(了) in Chinese Ordinal numbers in Chinese While / When in Chinese …de shí hòu (...的时候) Time Words yǐ qián(以前) and yǐ hòu (以后)

Week 7

Week 8

Compare adverbs tè bié (特别), zhēn (真) fēi cháng (非常) hěn (很) tài (太) The de (得) structure - Complement of State in Chinese How to say “Really” in Chinese Dynamic / Aspect Particle guò (过) in Chinese Dynamic / Aspect Particle zhe (着) in Chinese

Week 8

Week 9

Read a story - Review

Week 9

Week 10

How to Say to Do Something to Someone With Preposition duì (对) The yào …. le (要……了) Structure The  dōu …..le (都……了) Structure - "It's Already..." in Chinese  How to Say Again in Chinese with zài(再) and yòu(又) Adverb jìu (就)

Week 10

Week 11

The jìu (kuài) yào .....le - 就(快)要……了 Structure Adverb jìu 就 to Emphasize Affirmation  Approximate Number in Chinese The yòu…..yòu …..(又……又……) Structure Double Negative

Week 11

Week 12+13

learn how to say is "the same with" in Chinese, and how to say is "as ... as" in Chinese. learn how to say more and more in Chinese or less and less in Chinese with the structure yuè lái yuè (越来越) 越 yuè · adv. ▸ indicating change of extent as the condition changes Learn how to say "given/admitting the fact that..., however..." in Chinese  Learn how to say “not only…but also” in Chinese

Week 12+13

Week 14

Complement of Result dào -"到“ Complement of Result hǎo - "好“ Demonstrative Pronoun to Indicate “High Degree” Zhè me - 这么/zhè yàng -这样/nà me -那么/nà yàng -那样 Questions vs. Rhetorical Questions in Chinese

Week 14

Week 15

Rhetorical Questions in Chinese with Question Pronouns Learn how to say “to have a problem; to have an issue; to go wrong” in Chinese Vocabulary Conversation

Week 15

Week 16