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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 1 Calendar view

Law and Society

Beata Froehlich
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

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Week 1 - Introduction to Law and Society

This session will introduce you to the structure of the module. You will explore the time commitments you will need to make and the skills you will develop through the duration of the module.

Week 1 - Introduction to Law and Society

Week 2 - Major Legal Systems

This session will cover the major legal systems.We will discuss the functions of law. Students will learn about the different types of law and how do these interact with each other in our society.

Week 2 - Major Legal Systems

Week 3 - Courts

This session will cover the common structure of the courts. We will look into the roles and functions of the players within the courtroom. This session will address: judges, lawyers and the parties. Such concepts as attorney-client privilege, confidentiality, acting in the client’s best interests will be analysed.

Week 3 - Courts

Week 4 - Justice. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

Most people would accept that justice should be the aim of any legal system. Nevertheless, some legal systems exist without any apparent notion of justice. We will critically analyse various definitions of justice. You will be expected to participate in a role-play activity.

Week 4 - Justice. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

Week 5 - Basics of International Contract Law

This session will cover the legal framework of the contracting lifecycle from end-to-end, looking at formation, performance, and termination. You will have “hands-on” experience in the drafting and interpreting of commercial contracts.

Week 5 - Basics of International Contract Law

Week 6 - Introduction to Criminal Law

This session coversthe three main subjects – elements of a crime, defences to crimes and the justification of punishment. By the end of this session you will be expected to be able to: comment upon the effectiveness of the criminal law and identify any weaknesses; apply criminal law to practical problems.

Week 6 - Introduction to Criminal Law

Week 7 - In Class Individual Formative Presentations will be based on the topics of the final Pos...

In Class Individual Formative Presentations will be based on the topics of the final Position Pieces

Week 7 - In Class Individual Formative Presentations will be based on the topics of the final Pos...

Week 8 - Law and Social Change Quo Vadis. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise

This session will provide an introduction to changing legal framework. It will focus on the rule of law, legal culture and everyday life. We will cover the role of a state in our society.

Week 8 - Law and Social Change Quo Vadis. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

Week 9 - Introduction International Law

This session discuss persons or entities who possess international personality.This session will cover "primary sources" of international law (treaties, custom, and principles of law) and "secondary sources" (judicial decisions and the teachings of publicists) of international law rules. Students will complete simulation exercise on the negotiation of a draft multilateral treaty.

Week 9 - Introduction International Law

Week 10 - The International Protection of Human Rights

This session covers fundamental human right. Students will participate in human rights moot court activity in class. Moot court activities can provide students with a number of rich learning opportunities: they learn how to work together to analyze complex text, synthesize facts, and formulate arguments. Students must listen and respond to their peers as they take on the roles of petitioners, respondents and justices. These simulations of judicial processes prepare students for civic life and build understanding of important disciplinary knowledge.

Week 10 - The International Protection of Human Rights

Week 11 - Principles of International Trade Law. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

This session includes a study of the legal systems: the WTO and EU, also regional treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which provide the framework for international economic transactions. Areas to be covered include tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, anti-dumping measures, foreign investments, and control of compliance with agreements.

Week 11 - Principles of International Trade Law. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

Week 12 - EU Law

This lecture intended analyse the law and institutions of the European Union. Session will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law in the field. We will touch upon EU company law, EU competition law, EU employment law and EU consumer law.

Week 12 - EU Law

Week 13 - Dispute Resolution Mechanism in International Commerce

This session aims at providing a systematic introduction of concepts, theories and practices, with afocus on equipping students with toolkits of handling conflict. Effective conflict resolution skills tremendously increase task efficiency, joint gain, and business relationship, whereas a lack of those skills results in leaving money and opportunities at the table. In this session we will develop basic knowledge of the legal principles underlying international commercial arbitration, mediation and other ADR mechanisms used in international business.Students will participate in Moot Court.

Week 13 - Dispute Resolution Mechanism in International Commerce

Week 14 - Course Wrap-up. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

Course Wrap-up.

Week 14 - Course Wrap-up. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.