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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 1 Calendar view

Schools of Thought and Directions in Psychology

Gloria Nogueiras
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


This module will guide you through the origins and development of psychology as a science and will introduce you to the classical and contemporary psychological schools of thought.

Level 3 (Year 1)

Module Leader: Dr. Gloria Nogueiras

Office hour: Wednesdays from 13.00 to 15.00, under appointment (write an email to:

Assessment methods:

Learning outcomes: 

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the foundations of the study of psychology as a science and the historical origins of psychological thought (Summative Assessments 1, 4 and 5).

LO2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the early modern schools of thought in psychology (Summative Assessments 2, 4 and 5).

LO3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the XX century schools of thought in psychology (Summative Assessments 3, 4 and 5).

LO4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contemporary psychology (Summative Assessments 4 and 5).

LO5. Become aware of the importance of becoming familiar with the different theoretical and methodological approaches throughout the history of psychology as a science (Summative Assessments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

LO6. Apply the principles of the schools of thought in psychology and/or of psychological concepts in order to understand people’s experiences (Summative Assessments 3 and 5).

LO7. Take a critical view of the schools of thought in psychology and/or of psychological concepts when it comes to understand people’s experiences (Summative Assessments 3 and 5).

LO8. Reflect on the own learning process throughout the module, engaging in a self-assessment process (Summative Assessments 1 and 4).

LO9. Demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate ideas in a specified written, verbal or visual form (Summative Assessment 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

For more details, please see attached the Module Study Guide: YR1_(L3)_S1_(PSYCH)_Schools_of_Thought_MSG_2021-2022.pdf