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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 1 Calendar view

Cognitive Psychology

Almudena Ortega Segura
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Introduction to the module and welcome to the class

25 Sep

This session will introduce you to the module organization, structure and assignments. You will become aware of the time commitments you will need to make and the skills you will develop through the duration of the module.

Introduccion to the module

Week 2 - Cognitive Psychology: An Introduction

2 Oct

This session will introduce you to the focus of cognitive psychology. You will learn about the dominant theoretical approaches, as well as the methodologies an the context of their historical development.

An introduction to cognitive psychology. Presentation & Notes

Week 3 - Auditory Awareness

9 Oct

This week we will cover the processes involved in the process of hearing. We will cover the basic principles and the physiology of auditory processes, as well as the systems of auditory memory.

Week 3: Power point presentation

Week 4 - Attention and Object Recognition

16 Oct

This week we will cover the processes of visual awareness. The session will discuss the cognitive and physiological concepts and processes involved in visual awareness as well as our ability to recognize objects around us.


Week 5 - Theoretical Approaches to Memory

23 Oct

This week will introduce the theoretical approaches to human memory. We will discuss different cognitive and psychological models in understanding the structure and functional processes involved in human memory. The different aspects of these models will be elaborated upon in the following weeks.

Week 5

Week 6 - Short-Term memory and Working Memory

30 Oct

This week we will take a closer look at one of the aspects of human memory – that is short-term or working memory. In this session we will discuss the theoretical conceptualizations and functions of short-term memory, as well as the approaches to measuring and studying it.


Week 7 - Long-term memory 1

6 Nov

This week we will explore the structure and functional processes of long-term memory. We will begin to understand the way in which knowledge is structured and stored, as well as the processes through which information is encoded and stored.

Presentation & Material
Galton-Crovitz test

Week 8 - Long-term memory 2

13 Nov

This week we will continue our discussion of long term memory, the storage of memory and knowledge structures, as well as the processes of retrieval of information, or remembering.


Week 9 - Language 1

20 Nov

This week we will begin to explore the cognitive and psychological processes involved in the complex cognitive phenomenon that is language. We will discuss the processes of speech and language perception and word recognition.

Week description

Week 10 - Language 2

27 Nov

This week we will continue our discussion of the cognitive and psychological processes involved in language. We will discuss more detailed aspects of language structure and the understanding of syntax.


Week 11 - Cognitive neuroscience

4 Dec

This week’s session will provide an introduction to the basic neurological processes underlying the human cognitive functions. We will discuss the function of neural structures, and the understanding of neural localization of cognitive function.

Week description and presentation

Week 12 - Music & Cognition

11 Dec

This week’s session will provide a brief introduction into the processes of music perception. We will discuss the cognitive as well as neurological bases involved in perceiving music and tonality.


Week 13 - Intelligence and Individual Differences

18 Dec

This week’s session will introduce the different conceptualizations of intelligence in cognitive psychology. We will also discuss the understanding and measurement of individual differences in intelligence as well as cognition and cognitive processes.


Week 14 - Round-up

25 Dec

There are no readings for this week. This week we will review the concepts covered in the module, and will discuss the expectations final submission.

Week description