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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 2 Calendar view


Almudena Ortega Segura
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Welcome to Class and Module Overview

25 Sep

In this week we will see the details of the course: contents, assessments and activities.

Session 1: Welcome to Class and Module Overview

Week 2 - Measurement and the Different Types of Tests

2 Oct

This week’s session will introduce the students to the concept of measurement in psychology. We will discuss the definitions of tests and measurement instruments, as well as the different types of tests employed and their appropriateness in different situations or measurement objectives.

Session1: Week description
Session 2: Diferent types of test

Week 3 - Test Scales

11 Oct

This week we will discuss the concepts of scales and items that make them up. Most psychological measurement instruments are scales consisting of interrelated items. We will also discuss the issues of measurement units, as well as levels of measurement. 

Test Scales

Week 4 - Test Scoring

16 Oct

Continuing our discussion of the basic concepts in psychological measurement and testing, this week we will discuss the issues in test scoring. We will discuss the different scoring schemes typically used with different types of tests, the scoring keys, and the processes of response scoring.

Test Scoring

Week 5 - Testing Knowledge and General Capacities

23 Oct

This week we will discuss some of the practical and psychometric considerations in the different approaches to testing knowledge and general capacity. We will discuss the different methodological and measurement approaches to testing intellectual ability, the appropriate application of different types of tests in this context and the psychometric characteristics and considerations therein.

Testing Knowledge and General Capacities
Session 2

Week 6 - Personality Tests

30 Oct

This week we will discuss some of the practical and psychometric considerations in the different approaches to measuring personality. We will discuss the different methodological and measurement approaches to testing personality and the different personality structures, the appropriate application of different types of tests in this context and the psychometric characteristics and considerations therein, including the common scaling schemes (e.g. the Likert scale) and the different tests and sources of validated items and scales (e.g. the international personality item pool).

Personality Tests
session 2: practice

Week 7 – Psychometric Characteristics: Test Reliability

6 Nov

In this week’s session we will introduce one of the central psychometric characteristics. We will discuss the definitions and the significance of test reliability, its implications in practice, and the implications of violations of reliability.

Week 7 – Psychometric Characteristics: Test Reliability

Week 8: Forms of Reliability

13 Nov

This week we will continue our in-depth discussion of test reliability. We will discuss the different forms of reliability, the way in which these are assessed, and their implications and importance in practice. We will discuss concepts and approaches to testing test-retest reliability, parallel forms reliability, internal consistency, as well as inter-rater reliability.

Week description
Session 2 (Rehersal)


Link to quizizz

Week 9 - Psychometric Characteristics: Validity

20 Nov

In this week’s session we will introduce another central psychometric characteristic. We will discuss the definitions and the significance of test validity, its implications in practice, and the implications of violations of validity or invalid tests.

Psychometric Characteristics: Validity

Week 10 - Types of Validity

27 Nov

This week we will continue our in-depth discussion of test validity. We will discuss the different forms of validity, the way in which these are assessed, and their implications and importance in practice. We will discuss concepts and approaches to assessing construct validity, as well as concurrent and predictive validity.

Types of Validity
Practicing with Excel

Week 11 - Response Bias

4 Dec

This week we will begin our discussion of the different types of bias in psychological measurement. We will discuss the conceptualization of response bias. We will also cover the different types of response bias, some techniques for identifying, preempting, and managing response bias.

Response Bias

Week 12 - Test Bias

11 Dec

Continuing our discussion of bias in psychological measurement, this week we will discuss the conceptualization of test bias. We will also cover the different types of test bias, including construct bias and predictive bias, as well as some techniques for identifying, preempting, and managing test bias.

Tests Bias

Week 13 - Best Practice in Psychological Testing

18 Dec

In this week’s session we will discuss some practical considerations in psychological measurement and testing. We will discuss the application of statistical and psychometric principles in preparing and conducting psychological measurement. We will also discuss some important ethical considerations relevant the psychological assessment.

Bests Practice in Psychological Testing

Week 14 - Round-up

8 Jan

There are no readings for this week. This week we will review the concepts covered in the module and will discuss the expectations for the final report.



Description of the Final Project