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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 3 Calendar view

Information System and Business Analytics

Eugenio Clavijo
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Introduction to Information Systems

Week 1 - Introduction to Information Systems
exercise 2
exercise 3: weekend birthday party

Week 2 - Analysis and Design of Information Systems through Practical Exercises

Week 2 - Analysis and Design of Information Systems through Practical Exercises
Exercise: Jolly's Java and Bakery Case study

Week 3 - Introduction to Business Intelligence

Week 3 - Introduction to Business Intelligence
First dashboard

Weeks 4 and 5 - Data handling and Business Intelligence

Weeks 4 and 5 - Data handling and Business Intelligence
Analyzing external sources
Cashflow analysis
Taxi companies analysis
Video games investment analysis
News - BBVA, digital business

Week 6 - Business Analytics: What-if analysis

Week 6 - Business Analytics: Data clustering
Midterm simulation
Excel Tutorial
Old recordings

Week 7 - Data clustering and Principal component analysis

Week 7 - Business Analytics: Data clustering and Principal component analysis
Trading simulation
black friday
Data analysis and classification

Week 8 - Business Analytics: Data Classification

Week 8 - Business Analytics: Data Classification
Old recordings
Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Teacher conference on friday

Week 9 - Business Analytics: Practical exercises

Week 9 - Business Analytics: Practical exercises
Old recordings
First machine learning model
Titanic survival analysis
Cryptocurrencies value: normal distribution analysis
Blockchain game

Week 10 - Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Indicators

Week 10 - Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Indicators
BI Projects
News - New kinds of work
News - World’s most valuable resource: Data

Week 11 - Introduction to Big Data

Week 11 - Introduction to Big Data
Old recordings
Big Data Vs BI
Big data jobs

Week 12 - NoSQL Databases

Week 12 - NoSQL Databases
Data Sources, SQL vs NoSQL

Week 13 - Software for Business Intelligence

Week 13 - Software for Business Intelligence
Price simulation
clasify algorithms

Week 14 - Recapitulation, Remarks, Doubts

Week 14 - Recapitulation, Remarks, Doubts