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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 3 Calendar view

Supply Chain Management

Murilo Branco
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Recorded Classes

In this section you can find the link to the recorded classes.

Link to live stream online
Link to recorded classes

In-Class Exercise 1 (10%)

Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid - Assessment 1,2,3 and 4 – In-Class Exercises – Supply Chain...
In Class Exercise 1 (10%) - Strategic Supply Chain Management

In-Class Exercise 2 (10%)

Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid - Assessment 1,2,3 and 4 – In-Class Exercises – Supply Chain...
In Class Exercise 2 - (10%) Supply Chain Philosophy

In-Class Exercise 3 (10%)

Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid - Assessment 1,2,3 and 4 – In-Class Exercises – Supply Chain...
In Class Exercise 3 (10%) - Flexible Manufacturing System

In-Class Exercise 4 (10%)

Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid - Assessment 1,2,3 and 4 – In-Class Exercises – Supply Chain...
In Class Exercise 4 - (10%) Green Supply Chain Management

Business Project (60%)

Business Project Submission
Assessment Guideline
Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid - Assessment 5 - Business Project – Supply Chain Management
Example of Assessment
Assessment 5 - Business Project (60%)

Linking the Chain Quizz - Level 1

27 Oct

Game Level 1

Assessment 1: In-class exercise (1): Strategic Supply Chain Management
Assignment 1 - Linking the Chain Game

Linking the Chain Quizz - Level 2

Assessment 2: In-class exercise (2): Supply Chain Philosophy
Assignment 2 - Linking the Game

Assignment 3

Assessment 3: In-class exercise (3): Flexible manufacturing strategies and SCM
Assignment 3 - Linking the Chain Game

Assignment 4

Assessment 4: In-class exercise (4): Green Supply Chain Management.
Assignment 4 - Linking the Chain Game

Week 1 - Evolution of Suply Chain Management

5 Oct

This session will introduce you to the structure of the module. You will explore the time commitments you will need to make, and how the assessments will be made. We will talk about the historic background of SCM and the industrial revolution impact and perspective. We will also learn about the General System Theory and its importance to understand the SCM.

Reading Sugestion
Prezi General System Theory
Evolution of Supply Chain Management
Recorded Class 05.10
Recorded Class 07.10

Week 2 - Production Systems

5 Oct

On this session you will learn about the elements and essence of the production systems. We will understand elements of input, output, transformation and feedback that will base the understanding of the next concepts during the semester.

Taught session: Week 2 - Production Systems
Prezi Production Systems
Supply Chain Management - Case Study 1
Rocket production system
Piano's production system
Recorded Class 14.10

Week 3 - Operations Management and SCM

12 Oct

In this week we will conduct the correlation of operations management and Supply Chain Management. It will consist on understanding how every element on the production and operation plan is related to the global view of the business and how can the Supply Chain Management approach help managers to be more efficient.

Taught session: Week 3 – Operations Management and SCM
Prezi Operations Management
Bank Holiday No Class 19.10
Recorded Class 21.10

Week 4 -Operations Strategy and SCM

19 Oct

This week we will talk about the Operation Management considering the location and capacity of your company. We will talk about Models for Facility Location and Capacity Allocation and decision. To understand the maximum and minimum that you can take from your operation system and to be able to align those elements with the members of the Supply Chain. First you have to understand your company and from there we can start with Supply Chain Management itself.

Taught session: Week 4 – Operations Strategy and Supply Chain Management
Prezi Operations Performance and Strategy
Case Study Nestle
Case Study Lucent Technologies
Just in time or just in case?
Regenerative Agriculture Production System
Recorded Class 26.10
Recorded Class 28.10 - in class exercise

Week 5 - Supply chain Philosophy

26 Oct

In this week we will learn about the ground theory related to SCM: the Supply Chain Philosophy, Supply Chain Integration and Supply Chain Orientation. This will consist on a behavioral approach that must be aligned with companies’s strategies.

Taught session: Week 5 – Supply Chain Philosophy
Supply Chain Management - Prezi Link
Supply Chain Mangement Essentials (Michael H. Hugos)
Collaboration Spectrum
Recorded Class 02.11
Recorded Class 04.11

Week 6 - Capacity Management

3 Nov

This week we will talk about the Supply Chain Management concerned to the location and the capacity of your company. We will talk about Models for Facility Location and Capacity Allocation and decision. It is important to understand the maximum and minimum that you can take from your operation system and to be able to align those elements with the members of the Supply Chain. First you have to understand your company and from there we can start with Supply Chain Management itself.

Taught session: Week 6 – Capacity Management
Capacity Management - Book Operations Management Chapeter 11
Capacity Management link to Prezi
Slide Exercises Answers
Recorded Class 09.11
Recorded Class 11.11

Week 7 - Demand Management

10 Nov

This session will build on you critical thinking skills about a very important SCM skill also used in Operation Management: the Supply Chain Demand Forecasting. Understanding how much you need to produce will be a start point for you purchases and production planning. But there is a network of companies that will depend and determine your forecasts.

Taught session: Week 7 – Demand Management
Demand Management - Prezi
Demand Management - Nigel Slack
Demand Management - Mentzer
Recorded Class 16.11
Recorded Class 18.11
Link exercise answer - Tracking Signal

Week 8 - Inventory Management

17 Nov

This week you will get involved with another important piece of SCM. the Supply Chain Inventory Management. These concepts will help you to understand the best time and quantity to buy and how to calculate the security stock. We will discuss about the costs related to bad and good decisions. Cases of study will be presented and the Enterprise Project will be updated on this matter.

Taught session: Week 8 – Inventory Management
Inventory Management (Prezi)
Inventory Management - Jacob
Recorded Class 23.11 (Plus Formative Assignement 2)
Recorded Class 25.11 (Assessment 2)

Week 9 - Distribution Management

24 Nov

This week you will understand how to design the best distribution to your company. Intermodal and international logistics will be considered and how to take the best decision in terms of price and delivery time for each situation.

Taught session: Week 9 – Distribution Management
Prezi Distribution Management
Solution Vehicle schedule Problem - Slides
Recorded Class 30.11
Recorded Class 02.12
Answer slide exercise Distribution Management Cl&W heuristic model
Exercise Distribution Management NNP, C&W heuristic model

Week 10 - International Logistics

1 Dec

Understanding and realizing the best Supply Chain logistical choices and work on the business network is one of the most important issues of the Supply Chain Management. This week you will learn about the main issues to manage and to make the best consistent decisions. You will analyze and create Supply Chain Logistics Integration according to your Supply Chain Network Design.

Taught session: Week 10 – International Logistics
Prezi Theory of Constraints
Answers Revision Exercise 4
Recorded Class 07.12
Recorded Class 09.12

Week 11 - Supply Chain Relationship Management

8 Dec

The Strategic Alliances, Supply Chain network design, international and domestic strategies. Those are some of the topics that we will go through this week to understand how to put in practice the theories you learned during the semester. Supply Chain Relationship Management is the essence of this course.

Taught session: Week 11 – Supply Chain Relationship Management
Co-opetition - Supply Chain Alliances (Toyota/Tesla 2022)
Supply Chain Relationship Management
SCM Revision Exercises 5
Recorded Class 14.12
Recorded Class 16.12
History of Nike

Week 12 - JIT, TQM and Constraints Theory impact on SCM

15 Dec

Flexible Manufacturing Strategies are the way companies learn to manage their costs accordingly to its production. We will present case studies and the best practices for you to understand how can you apply them to your own company. You will learn about JIT, Kanbam method, Toyota, Hyunday, Constraint Theory concepts and others revolutionary strategies that coordinate the SCM to another level of importance.

Taught session: Week 12 – Flexible Manufacturing Strategies
Theory of constraints
The Goal
Just in Time
JIT Manufacturing System - Prezi
Prezi Quality Management
PDCA Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Recorded Class 23.12
Recorded Class 21.12

Week 13 - Reverse Logistics

22 Dec

Reverse logistics is a contemporary theory that brings manager in to the light of the environmental management. This week you will learn that the base to build the reverse logistic is the Supply Chain Management. You will learn the different types and application of the reverse logistics.

Taught session: Week 13 – Reverse Logistics
Prezi Reverse Logistics
SCM Revision Exercises 6
Recorded Class 11.01
Recorded Class 13.01

Week 14 - Green Supply Chain Management

12 Jan

In this last week you will learn a very important subject: Green Supply Chain Management. The companies are victims of their own success and now the new laws are being more restricted to environmental rules and being green can avoid new business fines. This is a new subject that needs attention from managers. We will also correlate and understand that GSCM and Green Marketing can complement each other.

Taught session: Week 14 – Green Supply Chain Management
Green Supply Chain Management Prezi
Green/Social Marketing - Toyota Case
Case Study Amazon Returns
Recorded Class 18.01 (and formative assessment)
Recorded Class 20.01 not available (in-class exercise)
Recorded Class 20.01 not available (in-class exercise)
Recorded Class 20.01 not available (in-class exercise)