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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 4 Calendar view


Ramon Garcia
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:


In this module you will work in close collaboration with your academic and professional supervisors who will guide you through the process of applying your skills and knowledge to researching real world problems.

Capstone Projects Business
Example of Business Plan
Bibliography useful for the Capstone Project
TOPIC for your Capstone
TOPIC for your Capstone
Images used in the Module pages
Module Study Guide
Assignment Guidelines


Link to join the online class


Week 1+2- Defining the Project/Research Question

The students will outline their research questions, problem, or aim, their secondary data collection plan, their primary data collection and analysis plan, as well as a draft timeline for completion of necessary task, in agreement with their supervisor.

Week 1 & 2- Defining the Project
Review of Project Scope
Project Scope

Week 3 + 4 - Preparing the Project Plan

During 1:1 sessions with the students, the project plan will be worked out. This will include milestones and the low level actions.

Week 3 & 4 - Preparing the Project Plan
Project Plan Template
Review of Project Plan
Preparing the Project Plan
How to use Gantt Diagram

Week 5-8 - Data collection, Risk Analysis

During these four weeks, as per the project plan, one to one weekly reviews will be done with the students to help them in gathering the necessary primary data. Specially important will also be to identify all possible risks, and perform a risk assessment for the project.

Week 5-8 - Data collection, Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Project Scope Full
Preparing the Risk Analysis
How to do a risk analysis

Week 9+10 - Putting the preliminary report together

These two weeks, the individual review meetings will continue and focus in the preparation of the preliminary report (Assignment 1).

Week 9&10 - Putting the prelimisary report together
Draft preparation report

Week 11 - Practice Presentations

This week, the students will present their preliminary report. They will get feedback from the tutor and also for their peers.

Week 11 - Project Presentation
Presentation practice

Week 12-14 -Research- Development of Project

Along these three weeks, the student will review and complete the preliminary report (assessment 1), as per the feedback given in their presentations. Weekly individual reviews will continue.

Week 12-14 - Development of the Project

Weeks 15+16- Supplementary data collection

During these two weeks, the students will continue to look for relevant data and perform supplementary analysis for their business plan.

Week 15&16 - Supplementary data collection
References for social research and interviews
Final Analytic Report/Progress Report

Week 17-22 - Further Development of the Project

During these weeks, the students will have to develop their business plan, as per the project defined in the previous weeks.

Week 17-22 - Further Development of the Project
Feasibility Analysis- product / example
Draft Discussion/Progress Report

Week 23-25 - Preparation of Final presentation and project draft

During this three weeks, the students will gather all the inputs and analysis from their business plan into a presentation.

Week 23-24. Preparation of Final presentation
Draft Conclusion Part
Draft Final Report

Week 26 - Student Presentations

This week, the students will present their work in public session with all capstone peers (summative assessment 2)

Week 25 - Student Presentations

Week 27+28 - Dissertation. Business plan

In these last two weeks, the students will have to prepare the final version of their business plan. For that there will be individual reviews with the tutor, but also the feedback from the presentation session shall be used.

Week 26-27 - Dissertation. Business plan

Week 31 - MIUC Student Poster Event

During these weeks, a poster event will be organize for the MIUC students to discover the work done by the capstone student through the year.

Week 28-30 - MIUC Student poster event