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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 4 Calendar view


Eva Berkovic
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Here is the class outline:

Wk 1 - Introduction to the Module and the Many Facets of Psychological Testing

28 Sep
Week 1 - Introduction to the Module and the Many Facets of Psychological Testing

Wk 2 - Testing and Assessment in Clinical Settings

5 Oct
Week 2 - Testing and Assessment in Clinical Settings

Wk 3 - The Interview, pt I

12 Oct
Week 3 - The Interview

Wk 4 - The Interview, pt II

Week 4 - The Interview, pt II

Wk 5 - Behavioural Assessment

19 Oct
Week 5 - Behavioural Assessment

Wk 6 - Assessing Intelligence, pt I

26 Oct
Week 6 - Assessing Intelligence

Wk 7 - Assessing Intelligence, pt II

Week 7 - Assessing Intelligence, pt II

Wk 8 - Assessment of Personality

2 Nov
Week 8 - Assessment of Personality I

Wk 9 - Projective Tests

16 Nov
Week 9 - Projective Tests

Wk 10 - Neuropsychological Assessment, part I

30 Nov
Week 10 - Neuropsychological Assessment, part I

Wk 11 - Neuropsychological Assessment, part II

7 Dec
Week 11 - Neuropsychological Assessment, part II

Wk 12 - The Psychological Report, part I

14 Dec
Week 12 - The Psychological Report, part I

Wk 13 - The Psychological Report, part II

21 Dec
Week 13- The Psychological Report, part II

Wk 14 - Round-up and exam preparation

11 Jan
Week 14 - Round-up and exam preparation