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Fall semester - MA - Mktg Calendar view

Sales Management

Farshad Salimi
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 Session 1

In this session, you will have a crash presentation over the lecturer and a quick round of introduction to students and their educational and professional backgrounds.

Week 1 Session 1
Executive Sales Summary

Week 1 Session 2

We continue building up on components of sales process, and class discussion on future environment and indeed future business environment and international sales contract. We introduce the articles for class discussions in week 2 through week 4.


Week 2 Session 1


Marketing and Sales in Digital Age Sales Management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Business Sector Boosted by Coronavirus Article on AI assisted Salesforce by IBM

Week 2 Session 1

Week 2 Session 2


- Developing Sales Plans and Strategies - Analysing Business Market - Virtual Selling

Week 2 Session 2

Week 3 Session 1


Customer Relationship Management Identifying Market Segments and Targets Research Methods for application in Essay Writing

Week 3 Session 1

Week 3 Session 2


A short follow up fragment on Sales and Market Dominance video for class discussion Business Plans Strategic Planning

Week 3 Session 2

Week 4 Session 1


Dealing with Competition in Consumer Goods Market Sales Strategy Process

Week 4 Session 1

Week 4 Session 2


- Pricing Strategies and Programs - Global Marketing and Sales - Brainstorming Whiteboard: Cost breakdown and Pricing across Supply Chain

Week 4 Session 2

Week 5 Session 2


Business Markets and Business Client Behaviour -Personal Selling and Direct Marketing -Whiteboard brainstorming session: Characteristics of B2B versus B2C Participants and Stakeholders in Purchasing and Sales Documents issued by Client Procurement Department to Sales Department in B2B

Week 5 Session 2

Week 6


-Write a summary learning on sales and market dominance, highlighting the sales approaches, emotions, strategy, economics and ambush strategies in your discussion for presentation on Week 6 Session 2 -Write a summary learning max 2 x A4 pages what you learnt from the sales and market dominance, highlighting the sales approaches, emotions, strategy, economics and ambush strategies in your discussion for presentation on Week 6 Session 2. -Research Methods

Week 6 Session 1
Week 6 Session 2

Week 7


- Communication Platforms for Sales Negotiations - Business Markets and Business Client Behavior (Continued) - Personal Selling and Direct Marketing (Continued) Some Tools for Sales Plan: Santander Spreadsheet for Export and Import Pricing for International Trades Santander for Incoterms B2B Sales and Package Solutions in Sales

Week 7 Session 1
Week 7 Session 2

Week 8


Recap on Components of Sales Management; - Business Environment - Communications (& Personal Selling) - Marketing & Sales (M&S) - Virtual Selling - Negotiation Techniques (with convincing power in sales) - Analysis of PreCovid19, Covid19 and Post Covid19 Markets & Selling Techniques - E-Commerce & E-Business - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Market Segmentation and Target Market - Market Dominance - Consumer Goods Market (B2C) Against Business Market (B2B) - Tactical & Strategic Planning - Pricing Week 8 Session 1: Personal Selling and Direct Marketing (Continued) For Class Discussion: A segment of video from "SellingPower" Magazine on Best Practices for Optimising the Sales Enablement Week 8 Session 2: Student to Read and Analyse for Class Discussion: Reinventing the Future of Work, A Guide for Chief Sales Officers For Class Discussion: A Segment of Video from "SellingPower" Magazine on Best Practices for Optimising the Sales Enablement

Week 8 Session 1
Week 8 Session 2

Week 9


Complete any incomplete lectures on week 8 Continue with any remaining draft presentation of sales plans for location and product or services A recap on incomplete lectures in incoterms, international sales contract, CRM, B2B, ecommerce and ebusiness. Requirements for understanding the clients purchasing processes ERP is an AI where machines talk to each other real-time between the sales force of supplier and client purchasing department. Work on your final assessment for this program with individuals Sales Force Sizing (e) CRM ecommerce and ebusiness design, an introduction to Agile Sales Strategy, A project management approach (copyrights for students to be applied)

Week 9 Session 1
Week 9 Session 2

Week 11


Complete the sessions from Week 9 Session 2 Agile Sales Strategy (Adopted from PMI journal) A Negotiation Approach to Project Sales and Implementation (Adopted from PMI journal) CRM ECommerce and EBusiness Process Modelling for EBusiness

Week 11 Session 1
Week 11 Session 2

Week 12


IBM Article on AI Assisted Sales Force Recap on Virtual Selling by Gartner Video Sales Enablement Complete and to Discuss Process Modelling for Sales Business A session on incoterms for sales Taming the Sales Tech (White Paper) Q&As on Final Assessment

Week 12 Session 1
Week 12 Session 2

Week 13 (15)


Webinar Sales by Gartner

Week 13 Session 1
Week 13 Session 2

Week 14

17 Jan, experience

Last hints on your final sales plan report running through the table of contents with Q/As Hidden Power of No Shows in Sales - Video What we need to know about (e)commerce Consulting Firms or Vendors Lessons learnt from a Case Study on impact of ´Call Centres’ to Profitability of a Large Banking Organization in Europe.

Week 14 Session 1
Week 14 Session 2