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Fall semester - BA - IR - Year 4 Calendar view

Capstone Project - IR (Fall2021-Spring2021)

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Welcome to the Capstone Project module.

This is a Level 6 core module . This is a yearlong module running across both semesters (28 weeks). In this module you will work in close collaboration with your academic and professional supervisors who will guide you through the process of applying your skills and knowledge to real world problems, production, and research.

You will engage in the process of identifying a question or a problem, proposing a method of researching or solving a problem, independently collect and analyse relevant data using appropriate methodological and analytic approaches, an formally presenting your ideas and findings. The projects you engage in will be highly applicable and based on real world problems and real world data, making this a crucial practice for your studies. In this Module Study Guides you will find general information about the module structure and assessments. However, due to the variety of projects undertaken by students, and the diversity of supervisors, the details of support schedules and meetings will be organised with the supervision team.

You will find more information about your assessment through the navigation tab to the left. Also note that this module does not have set weekly content. This is due to the variability of the projects that the students undertake. However, your progress will be supported, and significant milestones checked, through the formative assessments. You will find more information on these formative assessments through the navigation tab on the left.

Assessment brief including criteria

 Assessment 1: Preparation Report

    Assessment 2: Final Presentation

      Assessment 3: Dissertation


      Further information you can find in the Module Study Guide,


      Here is the class outline:

      Week 2- Choice of Topic and Project Brief

      The Project Brief is to be submitted to the supervisor at the end of Week 2. Within the this report the students will outline their research topics and research questions, problem, or aim, their secondary data collection plan, their draft primary data collection and analysis plan, as well as a draft timeline for completion of necessary task, in agreement with their supervisor.

      Week 4 - Introduction and Background Research

      The Introduction and Background Research is to be submitted to the supervisor by the end of Week 4. In the Introduction and Background Research the students will include a formalisation of their project aims and research questions, the initial literature review and secondary data report including case studies vas well as their draft detailed primary data collection and analysis plan, or action plan depending on the nature of the project.

      Week 6 - Research Plan and Timelines

      In the research Plan and Timeline the students will outline their detailed research plant, including the detailed research methods and procedures to be used, along with the reasoning behind them, units of analysis as well as any ethical issues or concerns. Also, the students will include a detailed timeline for the research phase of their project in this formative report. This report is to be submitted to the supervisor for feedback by the end of Week 6.

      Week 10 - Preliminary Report

      In the Preliminary Report the students will get the opportunity to practice reporting their preliminary findings, and get valuable feedback and guidance. In this report the students will include an overview of their primary data, the results of their preliminary analyses, as well as a detailed action plan and timeline for subsequent tasks and activities. This report is to be submitted to the supervisor by the end of Week 10.

      Week 11 - Presentation

      In Week 11 the students will get the opportunity to practice their presentation skills and get valuable feedback on both their presentation and the progress of their projects from the supervision team and their peers. The students will deliver a 10 to 15-minute presentation about their project including the aims and questions, the context of the project, their preliminary findings, and action plan.

      Week 13 - Draft Project Rationale and Preliminary Report

      By the end of Week 13 the students will submit a draft of their Project Rationale and Preliminary report to their supervisor. For the Business students this will include a full project plan, presented in a Grant diagram, where the detailed actions shall be planned in time in the most efficient way, so that targets are matched and resources are most efficiently used, along with a detailed financial study, risk analysis, and feasibility study. This will give them the opportunity to receive specific structured feedback in preparation for their first summative assessment (Due in Week 15).

      Week 15 - Final Analytic Report

      By the end of Week 15 the students will have completed their primary data collection and analyses, or their primary activities depending on the project undertaken. By this time the students will submit the Final Analytic Report to their supervisor that will include the presentation of their data, a comprehensive report of the findings, and preliminary report on the implications in the context of their project and field. For the Business students this will involve submitting a Progress Report detailing their objectives, timelines, and any changes.

      Week 16 - Draft Discussion

      By the end of Week 16 the students will have completed a draft of their project Discussion, including the interpretation of findings and the critical assessment of implications. For the Business students this will involve submitting a Progress Report detailing their objectives, timelines, and any changes.

      Week 20 - Draft Dissertation

      The students will submit their Draft of the final dissertation to their supervisor by the end of week 20. In this draft version of the final assessment the students will receive comprehensive feedback about their report and guidance in preparing their dissertation.

      Week 27-28 - Dissertation

      The final submission of dissertation