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Fall semester - MA - Mktg Calendar view

Sports Marketing MA

Gaston Iglesias
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Recorded Classes

In this section you can find the link to the recorded classes.

Recorded Classes Link

Assessment 1 - Midterm Exam

Midterm Exam
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Mid Term Exam

Assessment 2 - Sports Marketing Plan

Details of the assessment
Assessment 2 - Sports Marketing Plan
Assessment criteria - Marking grid
Assessment 2 - Sports Marketing Plan

Formative Assessment 1 - Perceptual Mapping and BCG

Formative Assignment
Formative Assignment 1 - Perceptual Mapping and BCG analysis

Formative Assessment 2 - 4P's

Formative Assignment 2 - Product and Price Strategy

Formative Assessment 3 - 4P's (2)

Formative Assignment 3 - Place and promotion

Formativ Assessment 4 - E-Marketing

Formative Assignment 4 - E-marketing

Assessment 1 Resit

Details of the assessment
Assessment criteria - Marking grid

Week 1 - Introduction to Sports Marketing

30 Sep

In this week we will go through the overall module details, talk about summative and formative assessments, and the importance and context of the Sports Marketing and Promotion concepts that will be taught during the semester. Also an introduction in basic concepts will take place in this first week.

Week description
Material for the week
Recorded Class 01.10

Week 2 - Sports Marketing target, positioning and audience

7 Oct

In this week we will understand better basic concepts of marketing and how they can be translated to the Sports Marketing field. You will be able to identify and develop market segments, target market, and market positioning.

Week description
Recorded Class 06.10
Recorded Class 08.10

Week 3 - Sports Marketing Strategy and Generic Marketing

14 Oct

In this week you will learn how to develop a perceptual map and the BCG analysis. Those two tools will help you to manage your brand and product portfolio. In the second part of this subject, students will learn about different generic marketing strategies that can be combined to develop their marketing strategy.

Week description
Perceptual Mapping Examples
Perceptual Mapping Template (Excel)
Recorded Class 13.10
Recorded Class 15.10

Week 4 - Product Strategy for Sports Marketing

21 Oct

In this week you will learn how to manage the important P product and its relationship with the sports marketing strategy. We will go through the components of the product, customer experience, and strategic product decisions.

Week description
Recorded Class 20.10
Video The history of Nike
Video Adidas Smart ball product development
Video Customer experience (Augmented Product)
Video Life Cycle Blockbuster X Netflix

Week 5 - Price Strategy for Sports Marketing

28 Oct

In week 5 you will learn about the important concept of P price and how to develop different strategies to achieve a good performance on your marketing strategy.

Week description
Nike Pricing Strategy
Apple Skimming Price Strategy
Recorded Class 27.10
Recorded Class 29.10

Week 6 - Place Strategy for Sports Marketing

4 Nov

This week you will learn about the important P Place. You will understand the interconnection of the supply chain and the different channels of marketing considering the distribution strategy of different business including sports businesses.

Week description
Alibaba new marketing channel Strategy
Recycling Industry in China
Ewaste West Africa
Nike Recycle shoes
Recorded Class 3.11 (Assignment 2)
Recorded Class 05.11

Week 7 - Sports communication: press releases, media relations, public relations

11 Nov

The Sports Communication is part of the P promotion but has specific elements to be addressed considering the sports field.

Week description
Recorded Class 10.11
Recorded Class 12.11

Week 8 - Sports communication: social media, crisis communication, celebrity handling

18 Nov

In this week we keep with the communication topic considering the social media, celebrities and influencers analysis of the sports marketing.

Video NFL Marketing
Video Barcelona Social Media Scandal
Lance Armstrong Case
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Player as Brand
Recorded Class 17.11
Recorded Class 19.11 (Formative assignement 3)

Week 9 - Connecting with customers – Fan and loyalty

25 Nov

In this week we will understand better how the customers and sports passion can be linked to marketing strategies.

Most popular sports in the world
Adidas X Puma (The history)
Sports connection in the Equine Industry
Prezi to Consumer Learning
Recorded Class 24.11
Recorded Class 26.11

Week 10 - Sponsorship, Partnerships & Dynamic ticket pricing

2 Dec

Strategic alliances are a very important element of Sports Marketing. In this week we will understand how to generate value to customers by creating specific alliances.

Prezi Sponsorship
Recorded class 17.12

Week 11 - Brand Equity Management

9 Dec

Branding is a important action to determine value to the company and to the customers. In the Sports area isn't different and brands must be managed.

Brand Equity Management - Prezi
Brand around celebrity - How Kanye West Built Yeezy
Recorded class 15.12

Week 12 - E-marketing for Sports Marketing

16 Dec

The use of online techniques to market the business is the new way of doing marketing since the beginning of the informational era.

Recorded Class 22.12
Prezi E-marketing

Week 13 - Marketing research in Sports

23 Dec

The market research helps marketing managers to understand the marketing, the environment, the customers and competitors. It is an important tool to collect data to take decisions.

Recorded Class 24.12
Prezi to Market Research

Week 14 - Corporate Social Responsibility in Sports Marketing

13 Jan

Business must consider the tripod consisting of environment, society and economy to generate a business that is profitable and sustainable. In the sports area we have different techniques to provide it.

Week description
Recorded class 12.01
Nike CSR case
Recorded Class 14.01

In Class Exercises December 2021

December 14th 2021