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Pre-sessional English Calendar view

Pre-sessional English

Jayne Taylor
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1

4 Oct

Start of course - Introduction - Welcome to the class - Level Tests - Introductory activities (Speaking, Reading, Listening skills)

Revision of the basics.

Week 2

11 Oct

Grammar - Revision of present simple & present continuous. - Past simple (regular & irregular verbs. Vocabulary - Holidays - Prepositions of time and place. Pronunciation - regular verbs 'ed' endings.

Welcome back to week 2 - building grammar, vocabulary & pronunciation skills.

Week 3

18 Oct

Grammar - past continuous - time sequencers and connectors Vocabulary - Prepositions of time and place: (at, in, on) -Verb phrases Reading comprehension -1st Progress Test - Units 1 & 2

Past simple & continuous, describing photos, prepositions and building vocabulary
Progress Test - Units 1 & 2 (Pre-Intermediate)

Week 4

25 Oct

Grammar - be going to (plans & predictions) -present continuous (future plans/arrangements) -Defining relative clauses -Vocabulary (verbs + prepositions) -Paraphrasing -Housework + when to use 'make or do' -Reading - Quiz 'How organised are you?' -Pronunciation - Silent 'e'

Future - making plans & predictions, defining relative clauses and paraphrasing

Week 5

1 Nov

Grammar - Present perfect + yet, just & already -Indefinite pronouns - something, anything, nothing... -Vocabulary - adjectives ending in 'ed' & 'ing' -Pronunciation - 'c & ch' -Reading - A boring weekend? Don't tell anybody!

Present perfect or past simple?, adjectives ending in 'ed & 'ing' & how was your weekend?

Week 6

8 Nov

Grammar - Comparative adjectives - Superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) Vocabulary - Describing a town or city Reading - 'I want it, and I want it now! Why are we so impatient? 2nd Progress test - units 3 & 4

Comparative adjectives/adverbs, superlatives and describing towns and cities...
Progress Test - Units 3 & 4 (Pre-Intermediate).

Week 7

15 Nov

Grammar - Quantifiers (too,(not) enough) Future tense - Will/won't/shall Vocabulary - health and the body Opposite verbs Reading - articles 'Are they really good or bad' 'Why negative thinking can be positive'

Think positive - or negative? The future tense with 'will' and Opposite verbs.

Week 8

22 Nov

Grammar - Verbs with the infinitive with 'to' -Uses of the gerund (verb + ing) - have to, don't have to, must, mustn't Vocabulary - verbs + inf./verbs + gerund -adjectives + prepositions Reading - How to survive your first day in a new office Are the British really so bad at learning languages? 3rd Progress test - units 5 & 6

Verbs with 'to', + with gerund - 'ing' & 'Are the British really so bad at learning languages?
Progress Test - Units 5 & 6 (Pre-Intermediate)

Week 9

29 Nov

- Grammar - Should - First conditional - Possessive pronouns -Vocabulary - adjectives and prepositions -'get' - confusing verbs -Pronunciation - homophones - Reading 'If something can go wrong' (Murphy's Law)

Modal verb - 'Should', Murphy's Law & the 1st conditional, when do we use 'get' ?

Week 10

6 Dec

-Grammar - 2nd Conditional tense -Vocabulary - Animals & Insects -Reading - 'Would you know what to do?' (Quiz) - Website '' - 4th Progress test - units 7 & 8

Animals, "what would you do?" - the 2nd conditional
Progress Test - Units 7 & 8 (Pre-Intermediate)

Week 11

13 Dec

- Grammar - Present perfect (with for + since) - Expressing movement - Vocabulary - Time expressions (used with for + since) - Directions - Expressing movement - Reading - 'LIke mother like daughter' - Practical English videos - Getting around

Fear! More present perfect + for & since, asking for directions and do you like sport?

Week 12

20 Dec

Grammar - Phrasal verbs - the Passive tense - Used to/ didn't use to Vocabulary - Phrasal verbs - school subjects - Reading - Bad Losers (sports article) - Video listening (women inventors)

Phrasal verbs, the passive tense and "did you use to like school"?

Week 13

10 Jan

Welcome Back - Revision for progress test - units 9 & 10 - Grammar - modal verb - might/ might not (possibility)

Happy New Year! Are you indecisive? Using modal verb 'might'

Week 14

17 Jan

Grammar - Revision - conditional tenses (1st & 2nd) - Modal verbs - should & might - present perfect - use with for + since / or the past simple

Revision, revision, revision.....

Week 15

24 Jan

- 5th Progress Test - Units 9 & 10 -Grammar - so, neither + auxiliaries - Vocabulary - word building: noun formation - similarities & differences - Pronunciation - Dipthongs - Reading -

Twinstrangers, similarities and differences, so, neither + auxiliary verbs
Progress Test - Units 9 & 10 (Pre-Intermediate)

Week 16

31 Jan

Grammar - Past perfect -Reported speech -Vocabulary - say or tell?

The past perfect, Do you ever gossip? Revision of asking questions (with & without auxiliaries)

Week 17

7 Feb

Last week - final revision Final coursebook exam

End of first semester! Final coursebook exam
Final coursebook exam - Pre-Intermediate (End of 1st semester