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Spring semester - BA - Mktg - Year 2 Calendar view

Marketing management

Maria Angeles Diaz Capado
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

A good marketing management undertaken by a company can stimulate sales of its product or services with its customers. The main objective of marketing is to create, promote and distribute products or services in order to create value and profit for the company. The opportunities as well as the challenges of marketing management lie in maintaining a strong and compelling value proposition while building a long-term relationship with the company’s customers. It requires a company to constantly monitor markets and examine and analyse environmental, technological and competitive forces that would influence the marketing efficiency.

The aim of the module is to familiarise you with marketing management tools so you gain a holistic understanding of how a company builds, promotes and distributes products or services that positively differentiate a company from its competitors.


Through a variety of case studies, you will explore basic marketing management tools. These include pricing strategy, promotion strategy, distribution management, sales management, and customer segmentation and customer relationship management. You will gain a good understanding of the opportunities, challenges and methods of marketing management in the 21st century. Particular focus will be placed on how to maintain a strong and compelling value proposition as well as a long-term relationship with the company’s customers across different sectors and activities.


Learning outcomes to be assessed

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO 01: Understand the contemporary issues facing marketing management in domestic and international business.


LO 02: Analyse a marketing plan using the main concepts and theories of marketing management.


LO 03: Compare and differentiate various theories and tools that support marketing management in different industries.


Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours

56 hours

Independent Study Hours

144 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

44 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Total Learning Hours

200 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

100 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Summative assessment grid

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback 

In-class exercise (1)

5 short answer questions




week 5

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (2)

5 short answer questions




week 8

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (3)

5 short answer questions




week 10

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (4)

5 short answer questions




week 12

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

Marketing Plan

1500 (+/-10%) words 




week 15

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


10 working days after the assessment


1.1      Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes

1.1.1     Assessment 1: In-class exercise: Core marketing concepts and SWOT analysis

This exercise consists of 10 multiple choice questions based on a given case. These questions will cover the topics of the core marketing concepts, SWOT analysis and their strategic importance. Learning outcome 1 and 2 will be assessed.


1.6.2         Assessment 2: In-class exercise: The marketing environment and differentiation strategy

This exercise consists of 10 multiple choice questions based on a given case. These questions will cover the topics of the marketing environment, differentiation and competition analysis and their strategic importance.


Learning outcome 1 and 2 will be assessed.


1.6.3         Assessment 3: In-class exercise: Positioning strategies and communications mix

This exercise consists of 10 multiple choice questions based on a given case concerning how to position the marketing strategy and the different approaches for international marketing entrance. Learning outcome 1 and 3 will be assessed.


1.6.4         Assessment 4: In-class exercise: Purchase process and types of marketing

This exercise consists of 10 multiple choice questions based on a given case. These questions will cover the topics of customer psychology, purchase process, generic strategies, branding equity and the B2C, B2B types of marketing. Learning outcome 1, 2 and 3 will be assessed.


Generic Assessment criteria for Assessment 1 - 4

The assessments will be marked according to the following criteria:


Knowledge and Understanding: Students will need to understand key concepts (such as Product, Price, Promotion and Place, Competitive Advantage, B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing and others.) and theories (Marketing Management Theory, Blue Ocean Strategy Theory, Brand Equity Theory, and others).

Cognitive Skills: Students will need to be able to apply suitable approaches to relate the marketing tools to marketing management practices

Practical and Professional Skills: Students will need to be able to understand the essential elements used to develop marketing strategies, business positioning and sustainable competitive advantage creation.

Transferrable and Key Skills3: Students will need to be able to select the appropriate and effective tools that will help them to manage their marketing department

1.6.5         Assessment 5: Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan assignment requires you to create a basic marketing plan for a chosen product/service from the perspective of marketing management and, considering the concepts and theories learned during the semester. You will have to first decide a product or a service which you would like to sell. This should be decided and approved by the module leader latest by Week 3.

The Marketing Plan will be based on the updated marketing mix and strategies to reach the business goals. It must follow the specifications mentioned below. The description provides you a step-by-step guide and the suggested structure for your work.

 Assessment criteria for Assessment 5 (LO -01, LO-02, LO-03)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

  • Knowledge and understanding (30%): Students will need to understand key concepts (such as marketing mix, applied to products and or service marketing, competition analysis, branding, positioning, Corporate Social Responsibility, among others.).
  • Cognitive Skills (30%): Students will need to be able to identify the relationship of the marketing basic concepts with the marketing plan.
  • Practical and professional skills (30%): Students will need to be able to understand the important elements used to build an efficient marketing plan and be able to present relevant strategies to indicate future actions.
  • Transferable and key skills (10%): Students will need to be able to present their marketing plan in a concise way. Presentation of the work, format and references of the literature must be clear. A conclusion must be included in the final analysis

For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online feedback, please refer to the MIUC lms student guideline.

For more info check the attached MSG.


Cover page for the assessment submissions:


Here is the class outline:

Join the class online!

Join the class online

Stay on top of marketing trends!

Keeping on top of market trends is mandatory. If you want to stay ahead of the competition and find new niche in the market you have to explore on a daily basis market trends.

What you should do to stay on top of your marketing trends....
New marketing trends found week 2
Let's stay on top of market research trends!
New marketing trends found week 3
New marketing trends found week 4
New marketing trends found week 5
New marketing trends found week 6
Market trends that captured your attention week 7 & 8
Market trends that captured your attention week 9
Market trends that captured your attention week 10
Market trends that captured your attention week 11
Market trends that captured your attention week 12
New marketing trends found week 13

Week 1

Introduction to Marketing Management for the New Realities

Marketing Management for the New Realities
Welcome to Marketing 3.0
The best Super Bowl 2022 commercials
Which marketing credos does your favorite brand fulfill?
Is your favorite brand already adapted to 3.0 Marketing era?
Recording sessions Marketing Management week 1

Week 2

SWOT Analysis and Marketing environment

Week 2
SWOT Analysis and Marketing environment
3 Great SWOT Analysis Examples with Real Companies
Best Mission Statment examples
How to identify opportunities in a SWOT analysis
Business Case: External Opportunities & Threats in a SWOT Analysis
Recording sessions Marketing Management week 2

Week 3

How to identify and analyse your competition

Find out the levels of competition y realize a competition scanning
How well do you know your competition?
Find out the levels of competition y realize a competition scanning

Week 4

Market Positioning. Why should someone use your product and service?

Week 4
What Is the Branding & Positioning? Create your infografic about it.
Repositioning of L.L. Bean Case Study
How do you solve a problem like... reversing brand decline
Rebranding of L.L. Bean
Recording sessions Marketing Management week 4
Recording sessions Marketing Management week 4

Week 5

Practice of marketing skills and communications

What do you know about Marketing Management?
Top 10 of the world’s most famous brands and what you can learn from them
My choice of Brand 4.0
5 relevant Marketing strategies to reach Genertion Z
Recording sessions Market Research week 5

Week 6

Communicating Value. The communication mix elements I Advertisments, PR & Publicity

Week 6
Marketing Management Communication Mix I
Develop an amazing advertisement for your shop!
Recorded class week 6

Week 7 and 8

Communicating Value. The communication mix elements PR & Publicity, Promotion and Personal Selling

Week 7
Amazing headlines!
How to Write a Press Release?
Communications Audit
Write a press release about the opening of your new business!
Crisis Communication Planning
Shops and business for marketing management activities
Recorded class week 7
Recorded Class week 8
Communication Mix II. Public Relation, Publicity and Sales Promos

Week 9

Personal Selling and PR Trends 2022 What is B2B and B2C Marketing?

Week 9
Communication Mix III. Personal Selling
Explain The Six-Step Selling Process
Most relevant PR and Communications Trends for 2022
B2B vs. B2C
How does B2B marketplace work?
B2B vs B2C Marketing. But what are the differences?

Week 10

How to develop your Marketing Plan

Week 10 How to develop your Marketing Plan
Recording sessions Marketing Management week 10

Week 11

Market research to get marketing insights

Week 11
Market research for marketing planning
After watching the video of CNBC answer the following questions:
Why Starbucks Failed In Australia

Week 12

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

Week 12 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
Starting with desk research or secondary data
Value Creation Through the Marketing Mix
Ethics in market research. Resources for assigned questions
Ethics in market research
Resolve the following ethical dilemmas from the perspective of a market researcher
Guerrilla marketing strategy
International Markting strategies

Week 13

Marketing strategies and tactics

Week 13
Top 10 Most Effective Marketing Strategies and tactics
Example of Marketing plan of Levi's
Controversy of PPL (Product Placement ) in Corea
7 Examples of Marketing Plan for 2022

Week 14

Week 14