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Pre-sessional English Calendar view

Pre-sessional English

Jayne Taylor
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Here is the class outline:

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Week 1

14 Feb

Introduction - Welcome to the class - Introductory activities (Speaking) - Grammar - present simple/continuous - Vocabulary - Food & cooking - Reading - Eat and drink - but at the right time!

Welcome to the 2nd Semester, What do you remember? present simple, continuous

Week 2

21 Feb

- Grammar - present simple/continuous - future forms - -When to use 'will' and revising 'be going to' + 'present continuous' - Family & personality adjectives - 'The modern family' - structure and habits. - How birth order influences your personality. -Pronunciation - Short & long vowel sounds

Modern families, adjectives of personality and future forms

Week 3

28 Feb

Grammar - Present perfect + Past simple -Vocabulary - money -Listening - A radio programme about 'scams'

Verbs & nouns relating to 'money' and when do we use the 'present perfect'?

Week 4

7 Mar

-Grammar - Present perfect (+ for/since) - Present perfect continuous - Vocabulary - Strong adjectives - Listening - Adelante Africa! - Reading - The Polar challenge

'Adelante Africa' and the 'Polar challenge', present perfect or the present perfect continuous?

Week 5

14 Mar

Grammar - comparatives & superlatives Vocabulary - strong adjectives -Transport -Reading - Race across London -Listening - Survive the Drive

Transport - What's the fastest way to get across London? Comparatives, superlatives & articles

Week 6

21 Mar

-Grammar - Articles: a/an, the, no article -Reading - Common stereotypes about men and women

Common stereotypes and when to use articles...

Week 7

28 Mar

- Grammar - Revision (past simple and present perfect) - Vocabulary - Dependent prepositions

Revision - past simple or present perfect?

Week 8

4 Apr

-Grammar - Obligation & prohibition: have to, must & should - Can, could & be able to ( ability and possibility) -Vocabulary - phone language - Adjectives (-ed + -ing endings) -Reading - Debretts guide to modern manners - Listening Learn a new skill in 20 hours

Dependent prepositions, bad manners and can we learn a new skill in 20 hours?

Week 9

18 Apr

- Grammar - Past tenses (simple, continuous & perfect) - Vocabulary - Sport - Reading - Do 'lucky socks' really work?

Sport - do 'lucky socks' really work? Speaking in the past and are you superstitious?

Week 10

25 Apr

Progress Test - units 3 & 4 Grammar - past and present habits and states Vocabulary - Relationships

Past & present habits, relationships and speaking & writing in the narrative tenses.
Progress Test - Units 3 & 4 (Intermediate)

Week 11

2 May

- Vocabulary - Relationships - Cinema -Reading comprehension - 'The world of extras' -Listening comprehension - surprising facts about friendship

Friendships, past and present habits and 'The world of extras'

Week 12

9 May

Grammar - Passive tense - Modals of deduction - Vocabulary - cinema - the body

The passive tense, cinema vocabulary and every picture tells a story....

Week 13

16 May

Grammar - Revision from units 1A-5B - Present simple/continuous - Future forms: present continuous/be + going to + will/won't -Present perfect/Present perfect continuous - comparatives/superlatives - articles a/an, the, no article - obligation: have to, must, should - Ability/possibility: can, could, be able to -Past tenses: past simple/continuous/perfect -Past and present habits and states

Revision, revision, revision........Grammar & vocabulary from units 1-5

Week 14

23 May

End of course! Final Exam

End of Semester EXAM week!
End of Pre-sessional English Exam