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Spring semester - MSc - IB Calendar view

Master Dissertation (Taught Research Methods 2022)

Melinda Ratkai
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Online classes and recorded

Link to online classes live stream and recorded.

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W1-2 Introduction & basics, databases & search strategy

- select your topic (!) - choose your supervisor

General information
W1-2 content
DATABASES to use for the research
Search strategy

W3 The research question

1 Mar

- understand the research questions, - understand the aim and objectives, - formulate hypotheses.

Week 3A - The research question - Description & Readings
Research project
Week 3B - quantitative or qualitative

W4-5 Citation and Referencing

How to cite and reference others? Softwares to use

Harvard style
HARVARD citation generator
In-built citation in WORD programe

W5 - Word software

How to use the "word" efficiently?

Word software
Word exercise submission (not graded)

W6: Ethics & Quality

13 Mar

- quality and evaluation of research by exploring the types of validity and the reliability of measures. - validity and reliability criteria in quantitative and qualitative studies. - ethics in research

Example Dissertation - Master thesis
Standards. Market Research Society. London

W7 Quantitative research I: Foundations and surveys

3 Apr

Foundations Surveys

1st draft of the RESEARCH PROPOSAL (not graded)

W8-9-10 Quantitative research II: Data analysis

1 May

-quantitative data management and analysis -descriptive and inferential statistics and covering issues such as: measures of central tendency, measures of variation, confidence interval or correlation. Excel software will be presented as a tool to carry out computer-assisted data analyses, such as tests of statistical significance.

Quantitative research II
correlation and linear regression
EXERCISES to be solved

W11 Mixed methods and research reports

6 Feb

- explain mixed research methods, - the purpose of research reports, - the rules and general points in scientific communication in social science, - quantitative and qualitative reports.

Perform Ressearch - Ted Talk
Producing research report
Article - Antecedents Health Consciousness for Organic food consumption
Observation Method
Template - Research Proposal presentation
Video - tracking shoppers behavior
Article - e-WOM


Presentation template
GANTT chart example

W13 Qualitative Research: Case studies & Ethnography

24 Apr

-qualitative analysis, such as thematic analysis, and the basic principles of working with qualitative data - the key role of transcripts - the process of data coding, categorization

Qualitative data management and analysis.
How to do a thematic analysis - step by step
Qualitative Research Exercise - Data Analysis
Making copy
Link to the questionnaire we developed in class

W14 Qualitative Research II: interviews and focus groups

10 Apr
Focus groups
Quantitative research (Experimental design)
2nd draft submission

ASSESSMENT Research Proposal

5 Feb

Here you can find all te information related with your research proposal

Research Topics and Supervisors
Ethics Form for your research
Examples of research proposal
Structure of the research proposal
General information and TEMPLATES
ASSESSMENT research proposal