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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 2 Calendar view

Consumer Behaviour copy

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Week 2

Consumer rationality

Consumer Rationality

Week 3

Pricing Strategy

Various Types of Consumers and Pricing Strategy

Week 4

Week 4 Decoy Effect and Relativity

Decoy effect and relativity

Week 5 and 6

Status quo bias

Status quo bias

Week 7 and 8

Mental Accounting

Mental accounting

Week 9

The Winner’s Curse and Auction Behaviour

The Winner’s Curse and Auction Behaviour

Week 11

Bracketing decision

Bracketing Decision

Week 12

Time-inconsistent Preference

Time-inconsistent Preference

Week 13

Representativeness and Availability

Representativeness and Availability

Week 13

Trust and Reciprocity

Trust and Reciprocity

Week 14


Wrap up