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Spring semester - BA - Psy - Year 1 Calendar view


Almudena Ortega Segura
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Here is the class outline:

1. Class online

Class online

Class online

joinning class on-line

2. Week 1: Module overview and wellcome to class

Introduction to Perception

Module Study Guide

3. Week 2 - Perception: An Introduction

Week description

4. Week 3 -Taste-Smell


5. Week 4 - Taste & Smell II

Week description

6. Week 5: Skin and body sense

Presentation and more

7. Week 6 - Auditory Perception 1

Presentation & reading

8. Week 7 - Auditory Perception 2

Week description

9. Week 8 - Visual Perception 1

Week description

10. Week 9 - Visual Perception 2

Week description

11. Week 10 - Space and Object Perception

Week description

12. Week 11 - Perception of movement

Week description

13. Week 12

Cases Rehersal

description and materials

14. Week 14

Interesting topics

Material for the sesions