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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 2 Calendar view

Contemporary Global Politics Ba Y2 IR005 C 2021

Idir Ouahes
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This module introduces students to current developments in Contemporary Global Politics. It provides them with the intellectual tools needed to analyse complex global issues and think critically about them. The module is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the global issues themselves: Poverty and Inequality, Democratic Deficit, Environmental Degradation, Violent Conflict, Financial Crisis. The second part presents and discusses different reactions and solutions to these global issues: Social Justice, Rethinking Democratization, Saving the Planet, Securing Peace, Resisting the Financial Crisis. Particular attention will be payed to the different role international institutions, states and non-state actors play in addressing these issues. The module seeks to engage students in discussions on contemporary global issues by drawing extensively on empirical examples and case studies. This module will run throughout the semester (14 weeks).


PLease find attached the Module Study Guide with all the information relevant to the course:  YR2 (L4) (IR) CGP MSG_.pdf >

Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

Join the class online

Recordings Folder

1 Apr, Google Drive
Web resource

Week 1- Outline and Skills/Contexts- What is Contemporary

Material for this Week

Week 2 - Contexts- Politics and IR/Contexts- Sociology and Philosophy

Material for this Week

Week 3 - Context: What is Global, What is Local, What is Glocal/Context: The Nation State

Material for this Week

Week 4 -Trends: Power Politics/Trends: Law, or the lack of it

Material for this Week

Week 5 - Trends: Awareness Through The Media/Trends: Clashing Through The Media

Material For this Week

Week 6 - Texts: Clash of Civilizations/Texts: American Psycho

Material for the Week

Week 7 - Trends: Technological (post?)-Humanity/Hyper-Reality

Material for this Week

Week 8 - Trends: Excess and Access

Week description

Week 9 - Texts: Fight Club/Straw Dogs

Material for this Week

Week 10 - Contexts: Systemic Risks/Resource Wars

Material for this Week

Week 11 - Texts: The Black Swan/ Griftopia

Material for this Week

Week 12 - Texts: Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason/The Fourth Political Theory

Material for this Week

Week 13 - Trends: Millenarianism/Transcendentalism

Material for this Week

Week 14 - Texts: In the Shadows of the American Century/ Red Mars

Week description

General Folder

General Folder