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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 3 Calendar view

Psychology of Gender-based Violence

Roberto Muelas
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash: 


Level 6 (Year 4)

Credits: 5 ECTS

Module leader: Roberto Muelas Lobato

Office hour: Tuesday from 14:00 to 15:00 and Thursday from 14:00 to 15:00. Please send an email to set an appointment.

Schedule: Tuesday from 15:00 to 17:00 and Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00 in FREEDOM.

Meet link:

Welcome to the module Psychology of Gender-Based Violence. This module will guide students towards developing the overall knowledge and understanding of theory and research in psychology of gender, gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV). You will be introduced to the main knowledge for understanding the psychological and social aspects of gender and violence. This module will introduce students to a range of theoretical approaches in the area of Psychology of GBV, as well as classic and current research within the field.

The module will be taught through weekly lectures and seminars. In the lecture, the main concepts and ideas will be explained by the module leader, and the seminars will provide the space to discuss the compulsory readings and cover examples from the case studies. Engagement with self-study is essential, as the taught sessions will rely on weekly readings that should be completed in advance. All readings, materials and resources will be available in the module’s NEOlms page.

Active class participation is essential. Students will be expected to participate in all class discussions. This is a way for them to (a) show that they have read (and understood) the material and (b) further their understanding of the literature. Class discussion will also help students develop a nuanced view of the readings, as each of them will likely have a unique perspective on the material.

Assessment methods

  • A1 - Oral Assignment (15%)
    • This assessment will assess your ability in communicating key ideas in Psychology of Gender and discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the processes involved. Students will upload a video of their oral presentation (in NEOlms) and during the week 9 the discussion and presentation will take place. The assignment will be done individually or in groups depending on the number of students.
    • Assessment Guidelines: PGBV_A1_information.pdf
    • Marking Grid: PGBV_A1_marking_grid.pdf
  • A2 - Written Report (15%)
  • A3 - Written Assignment (70%)
    • At the end of the module, you will deliver a case study. This assessment will assess your understanding of psychology of gender and GBV theories and the skills in applying theories in the field of prevention. The case materials will be uploaded to NEOlms during the first weeks of the Module.
    • Assessment Guidelines: PGBV_A3_information.pdf
    • Marking Grid: PGBV_A3_marking_grid.pdf
    • Cover Sheet: Cover_Sheet_MIUC.docx

Learning Outcome

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate knowledge and depth of understanding of the field of psychology of gender (Assessment 1, 2 and 3)

LO2. Effectively communicate their understanding in written and verbal forms (Assessment 1, 2 and 3)

LO3. Critically evaluate and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of concepts, phenomena and theories in psychology of GBV (Assessment 1, 2 and 3)

LO4. Applied theory and new ideas to develop psychological projects to prevent violent GBV (Assessment 3)


For more detail, please see the attached MSG: MSG_PychologyGender_BaPsychology_2021-22.pdf

Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

Join the class online

Week 1 - Introduction to psychology of gender and GBV

11 Feb

Introduction to the module and its contents.

Week 1 - Introduction to psychology of gender and GBV

Weed 2 - The study of gender

18 Feb

Differences between sex and gender, gender diversity and women in psychology.

Week 2 - The study of gender

Week 3 - Gender stereotypes

25 Feb

Stereotyping and the specific cases of sexism and objectification.

Week 3 - Gender stereotypes

Week 4 - Gender and power

4 Mar

The exercise of power and privileges by gender.

Week 4 - Gender and power

Week 5 - Gender identity and sexual orientation

11 Mar

Sexual orientation development, sexual orientations and sexual trajectories

Week 5 - Gender identity and sexual orientation

Week 6 - Relationships, sexuality and work

18 Mar

Love relations, sexuality and gender issues at work

Week 6 - Relationships, sexuality and work

Week 7 - Feminism as a social movement

25 Mar

Feminism and psychology

Week 7 - Feminism as a social movement

Week 8 - Introduction to GBV

1 Apr

Definition of gender-based violence and related types of violence.

Week 8 - Introduction to GBV

Week 9 - Myths about GBV

8 Apr

Myths of romantic love and gender-based violence.

Week 9 - Myths about GBV

Week 10 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response I

15 Apr

Social perceptions of aggressors and victims, and their profile.

Week 10 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response I

Week 11 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response II

22 Apr

Consequences of gender-based violence on victims.

Week 11 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response II

Week 12 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response III

29 Apr

Intervention programs and tools to assess the risk.

Week 12 - Aggressors, psychological consequences and response III

Week 13 - Prevention of GBV

6 May

Design of prevention programmes.

Week 13 - Prevention of GBV

Week 14 - Review and preparation for the exam

27 May

Revision and exam preparation.

Week 14 - Review and preparation for the exam
A3_Written Assignment_Integrative Essay
A3_DRAFT_Written Assignment_Integrative Essay

Common project

Common project

Common project