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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 4 Calendar view

Conflict Resolution and International Crisis Ba-Y4-MJ-IR005-C-2021

Idir Ouahes
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

The aim is to engage students in a critical assessment of the mechanisms and available institutional framework of International Crisis Management. More specifically, the module aims to engage students with the mechanisms of conflict resolution and crisis management, reflect on the changes of causes and nature of current conflicts in the international system, and critically assess the limits and strengths of traditional tools of conflict management in their application to new forms of conflict. Furthermore, the module will engage students in a live simulation of a hypothetical conflict in the international system, and encourage students to work in groups during the simulation to find a joint solution by applying the knowledge acquired during the module. This module will run throughout the semester (14 weeks).


Please find below the Module Study Guide:

MSG_template_2021-22_BA_MIUC(2)_(1) (2).pdf - Google Drive




Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

Join the class online

Week 1 – Outline and Skills, and review of International Relations Theories

Outline and Skills, and review of International Relations Theories

Week 2 – Conflict and Security : Definitions and History

Material for the Week

Week 3 – Conflict Studies: Theories of War and Peace

Week description

Week 4 – Conflict Studies: Security Studies and Securitization

Material for this week

Week 5 – Warfare: Classical And Modern Views

Warfare: Classical and Modern Views

Week 6 - Lawfare: Law of the Jungle and Just War

Material for this week

Week 7 – Lawfare: International Law and Public Opinion

Material For This Week

Week 8 – Institutionalism: United Nations and European Union

Material for this week
Documentary Manufacturing Consent- Noam Chomsky and the Media.

Week 9 – Institutionalism: OSCE and NATO

Material for this Week

Week 10 – Institutionalism : NGOs and Overview

Week description

Week 11 – Case Studies : Syrian Conflict

Week description

Week 12 – Case Studies: Middle East Conflict

Week description

Week 13 - Case Studies: Eastern Europe and East Asia

Case Studies: Case Studies: Eastern Europe and East Asia

Week 14 - Case Studies South Asia, South America and Africa

Material for this Week

General Folder

General Folder