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Spring semester - MA - Mktg Calendar view

Social Psychology

Roberto Muelas
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash:


Level 7 (Master)

Credits: 10 ECTS

Module leader: Roberto Muelas Lobato

Office hour: Tuesday from 14:00 to 15:00 and Thursday from 14:00 to 15:00. Please send an email to set an appointment.

Schedule: Tuesday from 12:00 to 14:00 and Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 in DREAMS.

Meet link:

Social psychology is the scientific study of the way people think about, feel, and behave in social situations. It involves understanding how people influence, and are influenced by, the others around them. This module will build on the foundational knowledge developed in Level 2 to provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of individual and collective psychosocial processes. The module will familiarise the students with the social conditions, drivers and determinants, and the processes governing the development and functioning of the individuals’ personality as integrated into the broader social context, and the way the individual is affected by and affects these processes.

This module has three main objectives: 1) explore the dynamics of social attitudes, their measurement, and change; 2) identify the dynamics of inter-group relations and their effects on individual relations in the social context; and 3) encourage students to critically engage with the applied and theoretical content of Social Psychology, its perspectives and methods.

The module will also discuss the complementary processes of individuation and socialisation. Focusing on the applied aspect of social psychology, this module will guide students through a consideration of how the understanding socio-psychological awareness can be implemented in the lives of individuals, their personal, social, and professional aspects. The module will further develop the students’ capability to critically evaluate the socio-psychological experiences, and analyse personal experiences and the experiences of others within the traditional and contemporary social models and social structures.

Assessment methods

  • A1 - Written Assignment (100%)
    • The final assessment would consist of an essay analyzing the causes of fake news from a psychosocial point of view and making a proposal to prevent its dissemination. The essay is intended to assess students’ understanding of the theories in Social Psychology and the development of cognitive, practical and transferrable skills. To prepare the essay, students will need to support their arguments in theories learned in the module and they will need to create proposals to solve or improve the problem on the basis of these theories. The written analysis should be succinct and well-written. Be sure to include a short introduction to orient the reader, the analysis part (corresponding with the causes and the proposal to solve the problem) as well as a short Discussion to tie things together. It is mandatory to include in-text academic citations and the full list of references using Harvard style.
    • Assessment Guidelines: SP2_A1:MA_information.pdf
    • Marking Grid: SP2_A1:MA_marking_grid.pdf
    • Cover Sheet: Cover_Sheet_MIUC.docx

Learning Outcome

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Understand comprehensively the concepts of social attitudes, their formation, maintenance and change, as well the methods and approaches to social psychology research (Assessment 1)

LO2. Critically investigate and explain the dynamics of inter-group and organisational processes and how they affect and are affected by individuals (Assessment 1)

LO3. Develop skills to critically evaluate the presentation of scientific ideas and research in original scientific papers as well as in the popular media (Assessment 1)

LO4. Apply psychological concepts, theories and research findings to solve problems in everyday life and in society (Assessment 1)


For more detail, please see the attached MSG: MSG_SocialPsy_Attitudes_MA_2021-22.pdf

Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

Join the class online

Week 1 - Introduction & Social Attitudes 1

Welcome to the Module. Presentation of the instructor and students. Set up expectations and explain the Module Study Guide. Contents, Assessments and main organization will be discussed. Also, a brief introduction to the definition of attitudes, and Theories of social attitudes will take place.

Introduction to the Module

Week 2 - Social Attitudes 2

Formation, stability, and change in social attitudes

Social Attitudes 2

Week 3 - Attitude Change and Resistance to Change

Attitude change; Persuasion theories

Attitude Change and Resistance to Change

Week 4 - Attitude-Behaviour Link

Attitudes and behaviours; Goals and action

Attitude - Behaviour Link

Week 5 - Social Rules

Conformism; Social Norms, neuroscience of social rules

Social Conformism

Week 6 - Applying Culture Dimensions

Hofstede's dimensions of culture in international marketing studiesSymbols, Heroes, Rituals and Values in context

Culture Dimensions

Week 7 - Pro-social Behaviour

Situational Determinants; Social and contextual factors, Helping Others

Pro-social Behaviour

Week 8 - Recap

Aggressive behaviour. Situational Determinants of Aggression


Week 9 - Communication and Social Media

Understanding attraction; Attachment and Intimacy

Communication and Social Media

Week 10 - Aggression

Types of communication, The use of storytelling; humour


Week 11 - Interpersonal Attraction

Group effects on individuals’ behaviour; Norms and Standards; Fake news

Interpersonal Attraction

Week 12 - Intergroup Communication

Social Stereotypes; Discrimination; Can we decrease prejudice?

Intergroup Communication

Week 13 - Social Psychology Applied: A brief overview

Students oral presentations

Social Psychology Applied

Week 14 - Metacognition and education

Wrap up main ideas, oral presentations

Review and preparation for the exam