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Spring semester - BA - Mktg - Year 3 Calendar view

Public Relations Campaigns

Juho Ahava
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

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Week 1: Introduction

11 Feb

During the first week we will go through the module study guide and discuss the assignments. After that, we will begin exploring some concepts that are central for the module.

Slides - Tuesday
Class Recording -- Tuesday
Slides - Thursday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 2: Persuasive Campaigns

18 Feb

During this week, we will discuss the general goals of PR campaings. We will ask such questions as: What makes a PR campaign successful? What are the characteristics of a persuasive PR campaign?

Class Recording -- Tuesday
Slides - Thursday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 3 - Public Relations Process

25 Feb

This week will focus on the overall structure of public relations processes. The public relations process can be seen as consisting of three stages: planning, implementation and evaluation. We will discuss the role and importance of each step.

Link to the film Wag the Dog
Slides - Thursday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 4 - Planning PR Campaigns 1

11 Feb

During this week, we will study the first step of PR campaign work: planning. We will focus on the role of background research. This stage is extremely important, because it lays the foundations for all the rest of the campaign work. Furthermore, we will discuss the various contexts in which PR campaigns take place.

Slides - Tuesday
Slides - Thursday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 5 – Planning PR Campaigns 2

4 Mar

During this week, we will continued discussing PR campaign planning. We will explore the methods of carrying out primary research for campaigns and identifying objectives, goals and relevant media.

Slides - Tuesday
Class Recording -- Tuesday
Slides - Thursday

Week 6 – Carrying Out PR Campaigns 1

11 Mar

After careful planning, it is time to launch the PR campaign. During this week, we will explore various ways PR campaigns are implemented, focusing on traditional media and outreach.

Slides - Tuesday
Slides - Thursday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 7 – Carrying Out PR Campaigns 2

18 Mar

During this week, we will discuss PR campaigns beyond the traditional media channels. Our special focus will be on PR campaigns on social media. In addition, we will discuss forms of direct outreach and communications.

Slides - Monday

Week 8 – Evaluating PR Campaigns

25 Mar

The third step of the PR campaign process is evaluation. We will discuss the importance, goals and uses of evaluation as well as various evaluation methods.

Readings on Political Marketing
Slides - Tuesday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 9 – Ethics of PR Campaigns

1 Apr

This week will focus on ethics of PR campaigns. We will ethics from philosophical, social and legal perspectives.

Slides - Tuesday
Class Recording -- Tuesday
Slides - Thursday

Week 10 – PR and Diversity

15 Apr

During this week, we will discuss PR campaigns from the point of view of diversity, including gender, culture, ethnicity and sexuality. This issue is very sensitive especially in the 21st century, and needs to be taken into account on every stage of the PR campaign process. It is also an important element in designing campaign materials.

Slides - Tuesday
Slides - Thursday

Week 11 – Branding

8 Apr

During this week, we will discuss branding, which is an important element of both commercial and non-commercial public relations planning and work. We will also discuss identity change programs, which are major PR projects.

Slides - Tuesday
Slides - Thursday

Week 12 – Non-profit Public Relations

29 Apr

Although a large share of PR campaigns are done by commercial corporations, public relations is an important part of the operations of non-commercial actors as well. During this week, we will have a look at various types of PR campaigns by non-commercial institutions, including political, governmental and NGOs.

Slides - Tuesday
Class Recording -- Thursday

Week 13 – Case Studies and Workshops

6 May

During the last two weeks we will take stock of what we have learned during the semester and carry out various activities that will help the students to prepare for the final assignments. In addition, some helpful case studies will be introduced.

Thursday -- Link to Borgen episode 1 (video)
Slides - Tuesday

Week 14 – Recap and Workshops

27 May

During the final week, we will continue discussing case studies and preparing for the final assignments. Finally, we will have a wrap-up discussion and a recap of the content that has been covered throughout the module.