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MA (2 years) International Business Management Calendar view

Market Research - MA

Maria Angeles Diaz Capado
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Market research is considered a practical decision-making tool in the fields of business and marketing. This module aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of how market research can help you make business decisions and how you can transform research findings into actionable business and marketing insights.

The module aims to help you start building the ability to evaluate and accurately interpret research. During the module, we will discuss topics including how to translate a management problem into a feasible research question, and how to draw appropriate conclusions from research results. Moreover, upon completion of the module, you will also understand the contributions and limitations of market research. 

The module will be taught through weekly lectures and practical seminars. In the lecture, the main concepts and ideas will be explained by the module leader, and the seminars will provide the space to discuss the compulsory readings and develop a research plan, collect and analyse data and present findings as a class project. It is essential that you fully engage with your self-study along the week sessions apart from your previous reading before every lesson. The module will have its own Blackboard page on which you will access readings, examples, and lecture notes. 

Learning outcomes to be assessed

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Interpret and translate a business problem into a feasible research question


LO2. Differentiate between the different concepts and methods of marketing research


LO3. Draw appropriate conclusions from research results using relevant data

 Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours

56 hours

Independent Study Hours

144 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

44 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Total Learning Hours

200 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

100 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Summative assessment grid

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback 

A1 - Market Research Project

1.500 words





Week 16

(Date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

Assessment 1: Market Research Report 100% of final mark)
Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes

The Market research report assignment requires you to create a three real market research report related to three different techniques: Exploratory, descriptive and Casual. The market research will be developed during the semester and with the teachers guidance.  All instructions and step-by-step on how to create the market research will be designed in the formative assessments that will take place during the semester. 

Feedback will be provided to you regularly during the semester. This will help you achieve a higher mark. In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the module leader. 

Marking Criteria for Assessment 1: (LO-01, LO-02, LO-03 will be assessed).

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

Knowledge and Understanding (20%): Students need to identify the market research objectives that need to be addressed through the market research process. Students also need to determine the design of research, data collection techniques, and the suitable source and the types of data to show an appropriate understanding of concepts.

Cognitive Skills (30%): Students are expected to reason their own recommendations and to apply the appropriate tools to analyse and interpret the data.

Practical/Professional Skills (30%): Students need to be able to collect and organise the relevant data for the analysis and present it properly in a report form.

Transferable Skills (20%): Students need to present their work in a clear, concise and consistent manner. Referencing should be correct and appropriate following Harvard referencing style. 


For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online feedback, please refer to the MIUC lms student guideline.

Remember to log into MIUC NEOlms platform daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module sites!

For more info check the attached MSG.


Cover page for the assessment submissions:



Here is the class outline:

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Join the class online

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Market Research Project Outline Spring Semester, 2022

Examples of starting poing of a market research
Market research project template spring 2022
Assessment 1 of your Market Research Report
Assessment 1 of your Market Research Report w3
Assessment w4 of your Market Research Report
Student and list of market research projects
Assessment w6 of your Market Research Report
Assessment w8 of your Market Research Report
Understanding your market research

Stay on top of market trends!

Keeping on top of market trends is mandatory. If you want to stay ahead of the competition and find new niche in the market you have to explore on a daily basis market trends.

What you should do to stay on top of your market trends....
Let's stay on top of market research trends!
Market trends that captured your attention week 2
Market trends that captured your attention week 3
Market trends that captured your attention week 4
Market trends that captured your attention week 5
Market trends that captured your attention week 6
Market trends that captured your attention week 7
Market trends that captured your attention week 8

Week 1

14 Feb, Education

Who needs market research?

Introduction to market research
Core Marketing Concepts
Questionnair about yourself
Let's get started
Why Starbucks Failed in Australia
Stay on top of market research trends!
Recording sessions week 1

Week 2


How to start a market research. Defining the research problem.

How to start a research: Defining the research problem
Recording sessions Market Research session 21 Feb. week 2
Recording sessions Market Research session 23 Feb. week 2

Week 3


Getting Data for Market Research

What are the advantages and disadvantages of secondary and primary data?

Week 4

How to take advantage from desk research sources

Week 4
Formative Assignment 1 - Market Research basic concepts
A Business Case for ABC Consulting
Case study about repositioning brand L.L.Bean
Repositioning of L.L. Bean Case Study
Recording sessions Market Research week 4

Week 5

Focus groups and interviews, valuable tools for collecting qualitative data

Week 5
Qualitative research methods
Example of focus group questions and outcomes
5 Advantages of the Online Focus Group
5 Avantages of the Online Focus Group
Recording sessions Market Research week 5

Week 6

Observations and questionnaire design

Week 6
Case study: What happens to Coca Cola Life?
Qualitative research methods (II)
How to plan a questionnaire
How to plan and design good questionnaire
Recorded Class 21.03
Recorded Class 23.03

Week 7

The use of online Surveys

Week 7
The use of surveys for market research
Find an article reporting results from a survey research!
Answer questions on How to conduct an online Survey
Which one is for you the best online survey maker tool?

Week 8

27 Mar

Data Analysis

Week 8
Data Analysis. Disovering useful information
What Is Data Analytics?
Using Text Analysis tools for market research
How to code qualitative data, explained simply.

Week 9

3 Apr
Week 9

Week 10

10 Apr
Week 10

Week 11

17 Apr
Week 11

Week 12

24 Apr
Week 12

Week 13

1 May
Week 13

Week 14

15 May
Week 14