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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 1 Calendar view

Introduction to Data Analysis and Exploration (2022-2023)

Murilo Branco
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Online Classes

Here yuo have the link to recorded classes and stream.

Link to live stream online
Link to recorded classes

Week 1 - Introduction to Data Analysis and Exploration

4 Oct

This session will introduce you to the module organization, structure and assessments. You will be exposed to the time commitments you will need to make and the skills you will develop through the duration of the module. Furthermore, you will get an understanding of the importance of data analysis and exploration in Excel as well as knowledge in to the common structure of a spreadsheet (rows and columns) and its basic element (cell).

Week 1 - Introduction to Data Analysis and Exploration
Introduction 2
Introduction. Basic concepts
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 01
Presentation to Prezi Data Analysis
Recorded Class 04.10
Recorded Class 06.10

Week 2 - Collecting Data

11 Oct

In this session, you will be introduced to the different types of files in a computer and how they can be distinguished by the file extension, focusing on the Excel file type. Moreover, you will learn how data can be collected nowadays as well as how to import data into Excel from other external sources.

Week 2 - Collecting Data
Bringing data into Excel
Importing data 1
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 03
Recorded Class 11.10

Week 3 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals

18 Oct

In this session, you will play the role of a data analyst to analyse and explore data related to employees of a company. Given the dataset and the requirements provided by your client, you will learn how to decompose the requirements and identify key goals to succeed.

Week 3 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals
Case study in Business: problem context and goals
COUNTIF function
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 02
Calculating Proportions - Step by step
Link Google Sheet
Recorded Class 18.10
Recorded Class 20.10

Week 4 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data

25 Oct

In this session, you will be introduced to formulas in Excel as the main way of manipulating and extending the original data within the spreadsheet. You will learn how to define equations in a formula using the supported mathematical operators. Moreover, you will be introduced to the copy/paste formula context to automatically copy a given formula to subsequent cells. In addition, you will learn how to use some date-related and logical functions available in Excel.

Week 4 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data
Case Study in Business: data analysis
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 10
Recorded Class 25.10
Recorded Class 27.10

Week 5 - Analysing Results and Submission

1 Nov

In this session, you will learn how to summarize your findings after analysing and exploring the data within the case study. Moreover, you will have to submit the spreadsheet containing your analysis during the last session of this week.

Week 5 - Analysing Results and Submission
Case Study in Business: data analysis
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 10
Recorded Class 3.11

Week 6 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals

8 Nov

In this session, you will play the role of a data analyst to analyse and explore data related to political risk of worldwide countries. Given the dataset and the requirements provided by your client, you will learn how to decompose the requirements and identify key goals to succeed.

Week 6 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals
Case study in International Relations: problem context and goals
Missing data replacement
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 02
Recorded Class 08.11
Recorded Class 10.11

Week 7 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data

15 Nov

In this session, you will be introduced to the use of some conditional and equality functions available in Excel as way of automatically comparing parts of your data and performing different actions according to a specified condition.

Week 7 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data
Case study in International Relations: data analysis
Min/Max functions
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 10
Recorded Class 17.11
Recorded Class 15.11

Week 8 - Analysing Results and Submission

22 Nov

In this session, you will learn how to summarize your findings after analysing and exploring the data within the case study. Moreover, you will have to submit the spreadsheet containing your analysis during the last session of this week.

Week 8 - Analysing Results and Submission
Case Study in International Relations: data analysis
IF function
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 10
BlackFriday dataset
Recorded Class 22.11
Recorded Class 24.11

Week 9 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals

29 Nov

In this session, you will play the role of a data analyst to analyse and explore data related to product sales. Given the dataset and the requirements provided by your client, you will learn how to decompose the requirements and identify key goals to succeed.

Week 9 - Problem Contextualization and Final Goals
Case Study in Marketing and Advertising: problem context and goals
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 02
Recorded Class 29.11

Week 10 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data

6 Dec

In this session, you will learn how to use some math-related functions available in Excel. Moreover, you will be introduced to the concept of nested formulas as a more complex way of combining equations and/or functions within the same formula.

Week 10 - Performing Data Analysis and Extending Data
Case study in Marketing and Advertising: data analysis
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 13

Weeks 11 and 12 - Analysing Results and Submission

13 Dec

In this session, you will learn how to summarize your findings after analysing and exploring the data within the case study. Moreover, you will have to submit the spreadsheet containing your analysis during the last session of this week.

Week 11 - Analysing Results and Submission
Case study in Marketing and Advertising: data analysis
Christmas dataset
Walkenbach, J - Excel 2013 bible - Chapter 13
Barcelona accidents
Recorded 13.12
Recorded Class 15.12

Week 12 - Chart presentation

27 Dec

In this session, you will be introduced to statistics and several measures to describe the central tendency of a variable. The mean, median and mode will be introduced as different measures for this purpose depending on the type of the given variable. Moreover, you will learn how a variable can be classified into different types.

Week 12 - Chart Presentation
Recorded Class 16.12
Week Exercise
Recorded Class 20.12

Week 13 - Frequency Tables

27 Dec

In this session, you will be introduced to statistics and several measures to describe the central tendency of a variable. The mean, median and mode will be introduced as different measures for this purpose depending on the type of the given variable. Moreover, you will learn how a variable can be classified into different types.

Week 13 - Frequency Tables
Pivot Tables Slides
Pivot Tables Example
Recorded Class 10.01
Recorded Class 12.01

Week 14 - Wrap-Up: Summary

17 Jan

In this session, we will carry out a practical exercise that will serve as a review of the material covered in class and you will have the opportunity to solve your doubts to deepen your knowledge.

Week 14 - Wrap-Up: Summary
Practical Exercise (5) - Not graded
Recorded Class 17.01
Recorded Class 19.01

Formative Assessment - Chart Exercise

Chart Exercise
Data Chart Exercise

Formative Assessment - Pivot Tables

Formative Assignment - Pivot Tables
Pivot Table Exercise

Resit - Compilation of In-Class Exercises

Assessment Criteria - Marking Grid
Resit Compilation of In Class Exercise

Resit - Practical Assignment

Details of Assessment
Assessment Criteria - Marking Grid
Resit Practical Assignment