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Fall semester - BA - IBM - Year 2 Calendar view

Consumer Behaviour (2022-2023)

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

Consumer Behaviour (Year 2) Google Meet Video call link

Week 1

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Week 1 and 2

Consumer rationality

Consumer Rationality

Week 3 and 4

Pricing Strategy

Various Types of Consumers and Pricing Strategy

Week 5

Week 4 Decoy Effect and Relativity

Decoy effect and relativity

Week 6

Status quo bias

Status quo bias

Week 7 and 8

Mental Accounting

Mental accounting

Week 9

The Winner’s Curse and Auction Behaviour

The Winner’s Curse and Auction Behaviour

Week 10

Bracketing decision

Bracketing Decision

Week 11

Time-inconsistent Preference

Time-inconsistent Preference

Week 11 and 12

Representativeness and Availability

Representativeness and Availability

Week 13

Trust and Reciprocity

Trust and Reciprocity

Week 13

Theory of Reasoned Actions and Theory of Planned Behaviour


Week 14


Wrap up