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Fall semester - BA - Mktg - Year 2 Calendar view

Introduction to Elements of Visual Design (2022-2023)

Christian Olsen
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Introduction to Module

Work classroom

An introduction to what we are going to do / learn this semester.

Week 1 - Introduction to Module
Tools & Gear
Week 1 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 1 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 2 - Photoshop´s Interface

Work classroom

This week we will dive into Photoshops interface and how we can customize it for better controlling the creative environment.

How to create a new document in Photoshop
Meet the Photoshop Workspace
How to Pan and Zoom in Photoshop
How To Use Tools And The Toolbar In Photoshop
How To Use Panels
How To Save Your Customised Workspace In Photoshop
How To Change The Color Of The Photoshop Interface?
Guide to Guides, Grids and Rulers in Photoshop
Week 2 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 2 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 3 - Layers in Photoshop

Work classroom

Layers are the bread and butter of Photoshop. They are absolutely essential when creating new compositions, illustrations and designs.

How To Use Layers In Photoshop
Photoshop Layers Tips & Tricks
Week 3 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 4 - How To Make Selections In Photoshop

A selection lets us isolate part of an image. Once a selection is made, only that part of the image will be affected when we edit it. Photoshop provides several tools and functions to make it easy to make selections.

How To Make Selections In Photoshop
Week 4 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 5 - Layer Masks In Photoshop

Once you understand and can use Layers, the next logical step is to learn how to use Layer Masks. They allow us to combine images seamlessly and hide parts of images without actually deleting any pixels.

How To Use Layer Masks In Photoshop
Week 5 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 6 - Working With Type In Photoshop

Photoshop’s Type tools have been improving with every version. I’ll show you how to get started with adding text to your images, how to use the Type tools efficiently, and how to create some cool type effects.

How To Put An Image Inside Text In Photoshop Using A Clipping Mask
How To Draw Text Along A Path Or Shape In Photoshop
How To Add Text To An Image In Photoshop
How To Make Paragraph Text In Photoshop
How To Create Warped Text In Photoshop
Week 6 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 6 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 7 - How to design a logo - Introduction and The Process

The beginning of your Assessment starts this week. You will start the process of designing your own Logo based on a brief.

Week 7 - Designing a Logo - Introduction
Week 7 - Logo Design Process From Start To Finish
Week 7 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 7 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 8 - How to design a logo - Research

This weeks lessons is revolved around the research phasee of designing a Logo.

Week 8 - The Process of Designing a Logo - Research
Week 8 - Presentation of Research
Week 8 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 8 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 9 - How to design a logo - Brainstorm—Develop ideas & decide on art direction.

This week will revolve around using mind maps and mood boards to develop sound ideas to pursue.

Brainstorm - Develop ideas & decide on art direction.
Mind Mapping
Week 9 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 10 - How to design a logo- Presenting the Mood board & Starting to sketch the logos

This week you will present your work on your mood board. Thursday you start sketching your logo - Yay now the real fun begins.

Mood board Continued
Sketch—Create logo concepts based on the strategy.
Sketching Out Ideas

Week 11 - How to design a logo - Design—Select best logos & execute them digitally.

Once you have a ton of sketches, then you can judge them against the strategy and select the most promising concepts to execute them digitally.

Design—Select best logos & execute them digitally.
Week 11 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 12 - How to design a logo - Create Your First Looks

So now you have played around and created a moodboard, you should have the visual language ready to start creating your first draft logo's

Week 12 - Logo & Colours
Week 12 - Recording

Week 13 - How to Design a Logo - Refining Ideas

You should in this week start narrowing down the logo you want to use and finalize / Develope

Week 13 - Logo & Typography
Week 13 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 14 - How to Design a Logo - Finalizing your logo and exporting it

Now with the finished Logo. This week is for you to present your logo in the best way possible by using mocukUps. Also we will go through the final rationale and how that is supposed to look like.

Presenting your logo
Week 14 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording