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Fall semester - BA - Sports - Year 3 Calendar view

Sports and Media (2022-2023)

Gaston Iglesias
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Here is the class outline:

Recorded Classes

Goals Classroom

List of links


Google Meet Recording and Links

Class Video 07/10/2020
Class Video Thur 08/10
Class Video 13/10/2020
Class Video 15/10/2020
Class Video 05/11/2020
Class Video 03/11/2020
Class Video 29/10/2020
Class Video 27/10/2020
Class Video 20/10/2020
Class Video 19/10/2020
Class Video 12/11/2020
Class Video 10/11/2020

Evolution of Sport Media

3 Oct

Technology has influenced sports journalism’s development and growth in society, and has transformed how journalists and organizations work and report the news. The symbiotic relationships between sport, media, technology, and culture have evolved, and their impact on information gathering, processing, and dissemination have been crucial in journalism’s longstanding practice, profession, and public service. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss sports journalism’s rise from its roots in an agricultural, agrarian society to its current status in today’s fast-paced, fragmented, 24/7 digital media environment, where information is instantaneous, interactive, and powerful.

The Sports Journalism evolution (from print to online platforms)

Differents points of view


Sport and Media II

13 Oct

An overview about World Media in the world of sports

A form of mass communication

New Media and the changing role of sports information

18 Oct

What´s behind the mask of Sports Industry. The Net that moves.

New world media. Internet set bases.

The Political economy of sports and new media

20 Oct

A Global view over economics bases in sport media

The lines of business
Sam Borden - ESPN USA

Foucault and the New Sport Media

25 Oct

In his introduction to the special issue on new media and sport in the Sociology of Sport Journal, David Leonard (2009) called for further research on how sporting culture might have been changed by new media users, how new media has changed sport knowledge production, and how to challenge the binary between old and new media in sport studies. Michel Foucault’s work can offer one avenue for addressing these directions as it opens possibilities for analyzing auxiliary connections with global sporting cultures. In this chapter, I illustrate some ways that Foucault’s theory can inform studies of new media and sport. I begin by introducing Foucault’s concepts of ‘Panoptic surveillance’ and ‘governmentality.’These concepts will then pave a way to an analysis of knowledge production, technology, and political strategies enabled by and embedded in the new media of sport and physically active bodies.

An interesting point of view

Eye tracking and viewer attention to sports in new media

27 Oct

As sports fans seek out content in heavier doses across screens both big and small, researchers have adopted an increasingly diverse number of tools to develop an understanding of their viewing habits, motivations, and associated viewing outcomes. One burgeoning technique for studying mediated sport spectatorship is eye tracking. As this chapter will argue, new media portals for consuming sports – such as smart phones, tablet and desktop computers, smart or Internet-connected TVs, game consoles, and other devices – present viewers with increasingly complex interfaces where viewers can selectively attend to any number of onscreen elements.

Content and explanation

Week 4

1 Nov

This Week We will talk about Esports and the New Media and the Sports Public relations.


Sport, PR, & Social Media

3 Nov

Sport is simultaneously a global phenomenon and a local and personal one. It is simultaneously a gigantic commercial business and a gigantic voluntary enterprise. Sport fulfils all of these conflicting roles in global society through a multi-layered and mutually dependent relationship with the media and other commercial interests.There is no simple definition of what modern sport stands for and therefore no simple solutions to its many problems.

Knowledge and tips for SM, PR and two way communication

The CyberSports Nexus

1 Nov

Exercise machines increasingly incorporate computer-controlled motion and force feedback and will eventually become reactive robotic sports partners. . . .Today’s rudimentary, narrowband video games will evolve into physically engaging telesports. (Mitchell, 1995: 19)

E-Sports : The New Business Game World

Sports Marketing and the New Media

8 Nov

The world of marketing is an ever-changing landscape. At the dawn of the marketing era, marketers reached consumers through traditional channels such as print media, radio spots, and elaborate television commercials. Today, consumers are bombarded with messages through traditional channels, but also myriad new, and more specifically directed vehicles such as text messaging, email, social media and customized Internet advertising.

Sports Marketing and the New Media II
Sports Marketing and the New Media I
Global Digital Football Benchmark 2022

Social Media Sport - The fan as a mediated participant in spectator Sports

14 Nov

We will study the numbers into de New Media World and the place of the fan/spectator.

Social Media by countries, analysis.

New media converting fans =customers

17 Nov



New Media and the evolution of Fan - Athlete interaction

21 Nov
From ESPN to Instagram LIVE: The Evolution of Fan–Athlete Interaction Amid the Coronavirus

The Old School in Interaction

24 Nov

Simple overview

Explaining all.

Interview with Juan Castro - Diario Marca - Spain

29 Nov

A single touch of reality with one of the most importants journalists in Europe.

Data about the meeting - Who is Juan Castro ?

Digital Media And Women Sports

1 Dec

Every tweet, retweet, and hashtag posted on social media surrounding women’s sport is said to fuel future investments, though the commercial difference between men and women’s sports is still large.

How Digital Media is changing in order to give brightness to Women Sports

Sports Media Producers

8 Dec

Overview to the world of Production


Sports Websites. Analysis and development

15 Dec

Quikc view

Into Sports Websites


20 Dec
Incorporating new media
PR and Sport Social Media

Interview with Samuel Sánchez - Press Officer Feyenoord Rotterdam Football Club - Holland

22 Dec

Samuel is working at Feyenoord snce 2012, a Press Officer of this important Club, have a lot to say.

Interview online.


27 Dec

Before we can discuss the basics of sports reporting, we must first decide on our approach and style. Both issues relate to presentation rather than actual content. Approach is how we define our overall philosophy of presenting sports to our audiences and relates more to the policies of media outlets taken as a whole. Style is a little narrower perspective, in that it deals with presentation of individual stories, and is more related to the personalities of the people delivering the content.

Approaching and Rules for Interviewing
Web resource

1st Module Summary

Summary of the first ten classes of the module


Finishing Summary

17 Jan, Leadership

Today We work on Assingments

Define with 125/175 words, each class of this module
Define with 125/175 words, each class of this module

Local TV Sports

19 Jan, Leadership

The place into Media of local TV Sports programmes and sections
