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Fall semester - BA - Sports - Year 3 Calendar view

International Sport Management (2022-2023)

Gaston Iglesias
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Google Meet link and Recording

10 Oct 10:00 .. 11:30, Marbella International Sport Management

Week 1

3 Oct

Welcome to the International Sport Management.

Welcome !!
The Sport Business
The Evolution of Sport Businesses

Weed 2

10 Oct

The need of today´s sport organisations

Sports Principles and Values.ISM2
Sports Sponsorship

Week 3

17 Oct

Sports Sponsorship

Origins and functioning of a sports Organization.ISM3
ISM 4. Planning and Management.
Sponsorship and sport sponsorship
Class Google Record 3
How you create your Own business

Week 4

24 Oct

What is a Tittle sponsor ?

ISM5 Planning and Management
ISM6 Objetives of the Sport Company
What is a title sponsor ?
Class Google Record 4

Week 6

7 Nov

Sport Finance Reporting and Analysis

Sport Finance Reporting and Analysis
ISM 8. Sponsorship and Marketing
Title Sponsorship
Title Sponsorship Quiz
Class Google Record 6
Class Google Record 5

Week 7

14 Nov

Main Sponsor, official sponsor and official partner

Main sponsor, official sponsor and official partner
ISM 8. 2 Sposnsorship : Key modules
Sport Management - Sponsorship Football World - How it works

Week 8

21 Nov

Sport Finance Reporting and Analysis

Sport Finance Reporting and Analysis
Sponsorship Financial Resources. 8.3
Audience Target to Sponsor
Testing Qatar World Cup

Week 9

28 Nov

Other factors that play a role in sport finance

Financial Versus Sports Performance: The Missing Link
Puma Case Sponsorship 1

World Cup

Web resource

Week 10

5 Dec

Leadership in sports

Leadership in sport teams
Base Spanish Sponsorship Law

Week 11

12 Dec

Financial Play and regulations

Financial Fair Play ??
Organization of Sport events
Puma Case Sponsorship. QUIZ
KPMG The European Elite 2020_Online version_.pdf

Week 12

19 Dec

Management in sport Industry

Management in Sport
ISM 9. Start your Business. Guide
Start Your Business. Extended Guide
Links FIFA + Links for Business Starting
How to create a Business in Spain

Week 13

26 Dec

Sport Management with media and social media

Sports and Media. How to get resources
Sport Management Resources
Events, Media & Resources
Affluent Fans & the Economics of Sports

Week 14

16 Jan

How to create you own goal

Planning and executing