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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 2 Calendar view

Social Psychology: Individual in Society (2022-2023)

Roberto Muelas
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

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Week 1 - The Science of Social Psychology

Introduction to the Module, presentation of the instructor and students. Set up of expectations and explain the MSG. This week we will introduce the broad theoretical and applied field of social psychology. We will discuss the historical context and development of social psychological study and research and will discuss the main areas of interest in the field.

Week 1 – The Science of Social Psychology

Week 2 – Research, Methods and Techniques in Social Psychology

This week we will discuss some of the common methodological approaches and techniques employed in social psychological research. We will discuss the characteristics, principles, and differences between techniques such as observational studies, correlational studies and surveys, and experimental studies, and the appropriate use of these given different research questions.

Week 2 – Research, Methods and Techniques in Social Psychology

Week 3 – Social Cognition and Social Thinking I

Social cognition will be introduced this week. We will review the formation of impressions and social schemas, which guide our thinking and behaviour. Finally, we will look at social categorisations and stereotypes.

Week 3 – Social Cognition and Social Thinking I

Week 4 – Social Cognition and Social Thinking II

Continuing with the contents of the previous week, categories and their formation will be presented. Next, aspects related to memory and its relation to schemas will be presented. Finally, the different ways of thinking and the heuristics and biases that limit our decisions will be introduced.

Week 4 – Social Cognition and Social Thinking II

Week 5 – Attribution and Social Explanation

This week will focus on behavioural attributions. We will look at the evolution of different attribution theories and the different biases related to attributions. Finally, we will explore attributions at the intergroup and societal levels.

Week 5 – Attribution and Social Explanation
Assessment 1: Quiz 1

Week 6 – Self and Identity I

This week will introduce the concept of self. We will explore the relationship between self and identity and then look at the different components of the self such as self-awareness and self- knowledge, and the related effects and implications. Finally, multiple identities and their management will be presented.

Week 6 – Self and Identity I

Week 7 – Self and Identity II

Continuing with the concepts of the previous week, the theory of social identity and the different processes that constitute this phenomenon will be introduced. Also, in relation to the self, we will look at the different motivations that underpin social identity and the effects related to self-esteem and self- presentation. Finally, impression management will be introduced.

Week 7 – Self and Identity II

Week 8 – People in Groups I

This week the focus will shift from individual cognitive aspects to group aspects. The concept of the group, its formation, effects and different phenomena derived from groupness such as cohesion and socialisation will be introduced.

Week 8 – People in Groups I

Week 9 – People in Groups II

Following on from the previous week's content, the different types of groups, their formation and structure will be explored. At the end, we will look at group affiliation and its consequences.

Week 9 – People in Groups II
Assessment 2: Quiz 2

Week 10 – Prejudice and Discrimination

This week will introduce prejudice and discrimination. We will look at the nature of prejudice and the main groups that suffer from it. The different forms of discrimination will also be presented in order to end with the introduction and consequences of stigma.

Week 10 – Prejudice and Discrimination

Week 11 – Intergroup Behaviour

This week you will look at different cooperative and competitive behaviours related to group membership and social cognition. In particular, we will look at the phenomena of relative deprivation and realistic conflict. These will be introduced from the perspectives of social identity and social cognition. Finally, emotions at the group level and some collective behaviours will be reviewed.

Week 11 – Intergroup Behaviour

Week 12 – Research Design in Social Psychology I

This week will introduce study design in the field of social psychology. To frame it, we will start by reviewing the epistemological and ontological aspects of the social sciences and the position of social psychology. We will also introduce the most common methodologies in social psychology for collecting data and the importance of the scientific method. Finally, the scientific method will be compared with pseudosciences.

Week 12 – Research Design in Social Psychology I

Week 13 – Research Design in Social Psychology II

This week we will continue our discussion of practical considerations in conducting research in social psychology. Given that the topics of social psychology tend to be sensitive in nature, ethical considerations are of particular importance in this field. In this context, we will discuss ethical principles, protocols, and considerations in social psychological research.

Week 13 – Research Design in Social Psychology II

Week 14 – Review and Exam Preparation

This last week you will review the contents seen throughout the module and look at the requirements for the final assignment. There will also be an informal evaluation of the module to allow students to express their impressions.

Week 14 – Review

Week 16 - Final Assessment

Information and submission of final assignment

Assessment 4: Case Study
Formative Assessment: Case Study

