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Global Business (2022-23)

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 Introduction and Business Environment

Introduction to the module, classroom rules, and assessments of the modules. Market structure and the stakeholders’ role and interactions

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Week 2 Multi-national Corporations in the Global Economy

Organisation structure; Vertical and horizontal differentiation; Neoclassical structure

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Week 3 & 4 Introduction to International Trade

Trends of international trade and the schools of economic thought; Trade theories; Trade and economic growth; Gains from trade and the distribution of the gains among stakeholders.

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Week 5 and 6 Global Foreign Exchange Markets

Players in foreign exchange markets; Business implications of exchange rate movement

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Week 6 Global Capital Markets

International bonds; Global stock markets; Capital structure and the factors affecting the choice of capital structure; Foreign direct investment (FDI)

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Week 7 and 8 The strategy of International Business

Market/country evaluations and selection; Legal and political issues in international business; Economics environment and economic analysis; Cultural environment and risk-taking behavior

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Week 8 Export and Import

Characteristics of exporters and importer; Motivation of export and import; Manage trade risk

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Week 9 Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies

FDI and its motivations; International motives in collaborative arrangements; Various types of collaborations

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Week 11 International Financial Management

International capital budgeting; Foreign exchange risk management

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Week 12 International Human Resource Management

Staffing frameworks; Selection; Preparation programs; Compensation design; Managing repatriation

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Week 13 Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management

Factors in supply chain management; Information technology and global supply chain; Uncertainty in global supply chain

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Week 13 International Marketing

5 Dec

Product policies; Pricing strategies, Promotion strategies; Branding; Distribution strategies

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Week 14 Review

Wrap up

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