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Fall semester - BA - Mktg - Year 3 Calendar view

Design for Marketing (MA) (2022-2023)

Christian Olsen
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Design development for Marketing prepares you to be clear and creative visual communicators who provide strategic solutions for marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.
You will learn how to use graphics, images, pictures and videos to engage with viewers in an effort to drive emotions and interactions.
This module will run throughout the first semester (14 weeks) as this will give you the best opportunity to develop and maximise your skills.

Design Development for Marketing (BA)
Tuesday & Thursdays · 11:30am – 13:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:






This module aims to provide you with the knowledge necessary to better understand the process of producing any coherent visual presentation and design. But before any design can be expressed you will learn to find the story behind the design. What story needs to be communicated to attract the audience it is supposed to inform - The narrative into which the design is based upon. 

Design without any narrative and goal becoming meaningless and boring. The module will guide you to identify what steps are needed in finding the backstory for any sort of design and connect the main story of the campaign with the tools to communicate that narrative. To tackle the obstacles, you might face while doing so, examples and hands on approach will be used throughout the module.

Upon the completion of the module, you will be able to identify how to best promote the company/organisation and create visual content for use in a marketing strategy and bring a message to life. You will be able to determine the right way to represent information to ensure that it is compelling and relevant for the right audience. You will also be able to apply the principles with a practical approach in creating a visual identity for a company/organisation.


Level: Level 7

Credits: 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS

Module Leader: Christian Olsen

Office Hours: By appointment


Assessment 1: Creative Brief Development (30%)

Based on research techniques you will be asked to identify, express, and explain the aims and objectives of your creative brief. ~
You will be asked to create a creative brief based on the data you have found and discovered.
Prior to data collection, students must submit the ethics approval application at the beginning of the semester.

Assessment criteria for Assessment 1 (LO1, LO3 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:


  • Knowledge and understanding (30%): The student must understand the basic terms of all the different elements engaged in the production of creating the creative brief. They must develop the aims, objectives, and milestones of the creative brief.
  • Practical and professional skills (40%): Students will be measured upon the quality of the depth and accuracy of the creative brief and how it links to the research and data
  • Transferable and key skills (30%): Students need to present their work in a clear and coherent manner in writing a design brief. The student must showcase the design issues which have been considered and resolved.

Assessment 2: Concept Development (40%)

You must develop a range of ideas or brand identity concepts. You need to Identify/ find THE BIG IDEA? THE BIG IDEA is aligning the brief with a visual identity.
You will present the BIG IDEA by creating a mood board. The mood board must reference back to the aims and objectives developed in the creative brief.Written Explanation of mood board must be submitted with mood board.


Assessment criteria for Assessment 2 (LO1, LO2, LO3 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:


  • Knowledge and understanding (25%): How well does the mood board communicate the aims and objectives to the audience/consumer. How effective does the design capture the tone of voice?
  • Cognitive Skills (25%): How successfully does the mood board communicate the product or service being branded? How clearly does the mood board reflect the USP?
  • Practical and professional skills (25%): How strongly does the design of the mood board stand out from its competition? How creative or unique is the design.
  • Transferable and key skills (25%): Students need to present their work in a clear and coherent manner in writing the rationale of the choices made from the mood board development. The student must showcase the design issues which have been considered and resolved.

Assessment 3: Ident Development (40%)

You will have to create a design based on the development of THE BIG IDEA. Individually you will choose a medium to express the idea. You can choose to design any promotional material for the University (A promotional video, Poster Leaflet, or In-house Exhibition Campaign, etc)


Assessment criteria for Assessment 3 (LO1, LO2, LO3 will be assessed)

This assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:


  • Knowledge and understanding (25%): How well does the Ident communicate the aims and objectives to the audience/consumer. How effective does the design capture the tone of voice?
  • Cognitive Skills (25%): How successfully does the Ident communicate the product or service being branded? How clearly does the Ident reflect the USP?
  • Practical and professional skills (25%): How strongly does the design stand out from its competition? How creative or unique is the design.
  • Transferable and key skills (25%): Students need to present their work in a clear and coherent manner in writing the rationale describing the choices made in developing the Ident. The student must showcase the design issues which have been considered and resolved.


Assessment Guidelines:

A1: /files/107980/Assessment_Guidelines_A1_DDfM_BA.pdf

A2: /files/107980/Assessment_Guidelines_A2_DDfM_BA.pdf

A3: /files/107980/Assessment_Guidelines_A3_DDfM_BA.pdf


Marking Grid:


A2: /files/107980/Grade_Criteria_DfM_Assessment_2(2).pdf



Tool: Student choice


Module Study Guide: /files/107980/BA_-_Design_Development_For_Mkt_MSG_2022-23_UWL.pdf

Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Instructions and Tasks

An introduction to what we are going to do / learn this semester. Discover The Project - Collecting information

Week 1 - Introduction to Module
Week 1 - Tasks
Week 1 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 1 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 2 - Discover the Participants - Stakeholders

In week we will get a clear understanding of who is involved in this challenge: Who are the potential users? Who are the potential customers?

Identify Your Stakeholders
Stakeholder Map Tools
Week 2 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 2 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 3 - Define an Intent Statement

Create a sentence that clearly communicates your purpose.

Discover to define an intent Statement
Week 3 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 3 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 4 - Discover Emotions

What emotions will you explore to better communicate with your users / target audience.

Discover Emotions
The Six Thinking Hats
Week 4 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 5 - A1 Creative Brief Development

This week you will be working on your creative brief, which has to be submitted by the end of the week.

How to Write a Creative Brief
Creative Brief Template
A1 - Development of The Creative Brief
Week 5 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 6 - (Re) Define the Challenge & List your Project Requirements

This week you get to update re-evaluate your idea. Remove anything that you feel seems weak and inaccurate.

(Re) Define the Challenge
Define and List the Requirements
Week 6 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 7 - Develop Analogies and Metaphors

Can you think on a metaphor or analogy to be used in your project?

Develop Analogies and Metaphors
Week 7 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 7 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 8 - Moodboard - Creating User Experiences

This week you will start work on A2. Create a mood board. It helps going from abstract to more concrete experiences/solutions.

Mood board - Creating User Experiences
What is a Mood Board?
Week 8 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 8 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 9 - Moodboard - Developing the Moodboard

This week you will continue working on your mood boards. Remember to include your client and gather feedback.

Creation of Moodboard
Week 9 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 9 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 10 - Moodboard - Developing the Moodboard + Rationale

We will use this weeks lessons to work on the Mood Boards and Rationale. You should start writing your rational early this week

Week 10 - Finalizing Moodboard + Rationale
A2 - Concept Development - Moodboard

Week 11 - Designing The Identity

This week we will discuss what the next phase is and what is expected

Week 11 - ASSESSMENT 3 - Introduction
Week 11 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 11 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 12 - Production of The Ident- Colour

Student will start creating the final assessment Ident

Week 12 - Production of the Ident - Colour
Week 12 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording

Week 13 – Production of The Ident - Typography

Student will continue creating the final assessment Ident

Week 13 - Production of The Ident - Typography
Week 13 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording
Week 13 - Lesson 2 - Video Recording

Week 14 - Production of The Ident

Student will continue creating the final assessment Ident

Week 14 - Production of The Ident + Rationale
Guide to Writing a Design Rationale
Week 14 - Lesson 1 - Video Recording