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Fall semester - BA - Psy - Year 3 Calendar view

Work Psychology MA (2022-2023)

Almudena Ortega Segura
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Week 1 - Welcome to Class and Module Overview

3 Oct

In this week’s session we will conduct an overview of the module, its content and structure. We will also discuss the assessments, assessment structure, and expectations

Session 1: Welcome to class and module overview

Week 2- Introduction to Work Psychology

10 Oct

In this week’s session we will discuss the field of work psychology. We will discuss the themes and problems under study, as well as the broad applications and practice of work psychologists.

Presentation & reading

Week 3 - Research and Practice in Work Psychology

17 Oct

This week we will discuss the methodologies employed in the study and practice of work psychology. We will discuss the scientist-practitioner paradigm underlying work psychology practice.

Week 3 – Research and practice in Work Psychology

Week 4 - Personality and Work Efficacy

24 Oct

This week our discussion will focus on individual differences, particularly personality and models of personality in use in work psychology. We will discuss the dynamics of personality in the workplace and the relationships between individual differences and work performance and efficacy. Within this scope we will also discuss the definitions and assessment of work efficacy.

Personality and Work Efficacy
Session 2: Emotional Intelligence

Week 5 - Work and Occupational Analysis

31 Oct

This week we will discuss the approaches to analyzing the workplace and the importance of this practice in personnel selection, management, and organizational optimization. We will discuss the processes and methodologies in workplace and occupational analyses, as well as the principles and practice of occupational design.

Work and Occupational Analysis

Week 6 - Methods of Human Resource Selection

7 Nov

In this week’s session we will begin to discuss the processes and principles of human resources management and selection. We will define the concept of human resource, and discuss the principles of personnel selection, and the importance of the practice to organizational functioning.

Methods of Human Resource Selection

Week 7- Selection and recruitment: Interviews in the Selection Process

14 Nov

In this week’s session we will discuss the processes of selection and recruitment, central functions in organizational functioning and central roles of work psychology. We will discuss the principles and practice of job analysis and competency matching. We will also discuss the role and practice of assessment, assessment centers, and the benefits and limitations of online testing. Finally, we will discuss the principles of recruitment and induction of new recruits.

Week 7 – Selection and Recruitment

Week 8 – Interviews in the Selection Process

21 Nov

This week we will discuss one of the central and widespread methods used in the selection process – the selection interview. We will discuss the principles in the practice of selection interviews, and will discuss the validity of selection procedures. We will also discuss the aspects and components of effective selection interviews.

Week 8 – Interviews in the Selection Process

Week 9 - Ethical Questions in Selection and Evaluation

28 Nov

Key Concepts: This week we will discuss the important ethical considerations in the processes of personnel selection and evaluation. We will discuss the principles of equal opportunity employment, and the dynamics and risks of discrimination of candidates in selection.

Ethical Questions in Selection and Evaluation

Week 10 - Discrimination of Employees, Workplace Bullying and Stress

5 Dec

Key Concepts: In this week’s session we will discuss the processes of negative dynamics and outcomes in a work and organizational setting. We will discuss the issues of employee discrimination, as well as the issues of workplace bullying by managers and colleagues. We will also discuss the dynamics of workplace stress and the role of work psychology in supporting health and wellbeing.

Discrimination of Employees, Workplace Bullying and Stress

Week 11 - Motivation, Work Adaptation and Job Satisfaction

12 Dec

This week we will discuss the processes of adaptation to work and work satisfaction. We will discuss the influences and effects of work motivations, the importance and management of work-life balance, as well as the employee identification, commitment and job satisfaction. We will discuss the psychological principles and organizational roles in promoting and supporting these processes and outcomes.

Work Adaptation and Job Satisfaction

Week 12 - Work Attitudes and Evaluations of Performance

19 Dec

This week we will discuss the concept, effects, and measurement of work attitudes. We will also discuss the issues in and principles of evaluation of work performance and appraisal, as well as the methodologies for optimizing work performance and goal setting.

Week 12 – Work Attitudes and Evaluations of Performance

Week 13 - Training and Development

9 Jan

This week we will discuss the principles and practice of workplace training and personnel development. We will discuss the importance of workplace training and development as well as the paradigms to understanding and optimizing learning and engagement in the context of workplace training. We will also discuss the roles of organizations, managers, and personnel in career-path management.

Week 13 – Training and Development

Week 14 - Round-up

16 Jan

There are no readings for this week. This week we will review the concepts covered in the module and will discuss the expectations for the final project.

Week 14 – Round-up