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Spring semester - BA - IBM - Year 3 Calendar view

International Business Strategy (2022-2023)

Murilo Branco
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

Welcome to the module ‘International Business Strategy’. This module will guide you towards developing the overall theoretical knowledge needed in the field of international business strategy. The module aims to introduce you to the range of mainstream and most important concepts related to international business strategy, as well as to raise your awareness of the importance of how theories can be useful to further understand dynamics and processes in the internationalisation process of business. Moreover, the module aims to encourage you to identify the points of divergence and convergence between theories in the comparative perspective. This will help you develop competitive advantage in your future career.

Module summary content and aims

The topics covered in this module include the strategy tripod consisting of industry, resources and institution based views, the management of strategic alliances and strategies of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

The module will be taught through weekly lectures and seminars. In the lecture, the module leader will explain the main concepts and ideas, and the seminars will provide the space to discuss and guide you to better understand the compulsory readings. It is essential that you engage fully with your self-study as the seminars will rely on the readings you will have completed previously. The module will have its own Blackboard page on which you will access readings, sources and new pieces of information. Seminars will build on the tasks where you will further develop your skills and present your ideas. The seminars will make use of a range of study skills to help you to organise and to make sense of all the information to which you will be exposed.

Learning outcomes to be assessed

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Systematically understand the determinants of a firm’s success factors with regard to its competitive, corporate and organizational strategies in the global business environment.

LO2. Critically discuss the motivation of internationalization and evaluate different strategies for internationalization, which are commonly used by businesses.

LO3. Identify and select strategies to build a firm’s competitive advantage from international network management.

LO 4. Incorporate the increasing importance of social responsibility and corporate governance into strategy implementation.


 Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours

56 hours

Independent Study Hours

144 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

44 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Total Learning Hours

200 hours (for modules with 20 UK credits)

100 hours (for modules with 10 UK credits)

Summative assessment grid

Type of Assessment

Word Count or equivalent


(if Professional Body-PSRB applies)


Pass Mark

Submission due-date & time

Method of Submission & Date of Feedback

In-class exercise (1)

5 short answer questions




week 5

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (2)

5 short answer questions




week 8

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (3)

5 short answer questions




week 11

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

In-class exercise (4)

5 short answer questions




week 14

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


5 working days after in-class exercises

Business case study

2200 (+/-10%) words




week 16

(date and time TBC)

Via NEOlms


10 working days after the assessment 

Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes

Assessment 1: In-class exercise 1 - Industry and Resources

After reaching the first month of the module, you will have to do an exercise in class consisting of 5 short answer questions. These questions will cover the topics of Industry-based View and Resource-based view.

Marking Criteria for Assessment 1: (LO-01 and LO-03 will be assessed). Please see the Generic Assessment Criteria below.

Assessment 2: In-class exercise 2 - Institutions and Entering foreign markets

At the end of week 8, you will have to do an exercise in class consisting of 5 short answer questions. These questions will cover the topics of Institution-based view and strategies used for entering foreign markets strategies in theory and in practice.

Marking Criteria for Assessment 2: (LO-02 and LO-03 will be assessed)

Assessment 3: In-class exercise 3 - Strategic Alliances and Expansion strategies

At the end of week 11, you will have to do an exercise in class consisting of 5 short answer questions on how companies can boost their global competitive advantages by building strategic alliances and restructuring strategies through diversification and acquisition.

Marking Criteria for Assessment 3: (LO-02 and LO-03 will be assessed)

Assessment 4: In-class exercise 4 - Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

At the end of week 14, you will have to do an exercise in class consisting of 5 short answer questions. These questions will cover the topics discussed in the last sessions of the module. It will assess your understanding on how to best control and manage a business globally and how corporate social responsibility may be crucial for a business' performance.

Marking Criteria for Assessment 4: (LO-04 will be assessed)

Generic Marking Criteria for A1-A4


  • Knowledge and Understanding: Students need to understand key concepts (such as networks, internationalization, and corporate governance) and key analytical tools (Industry-based view, Resource-based view and Institutional-based view).        
  • Cognitive Skills: Students need to apply the theories into practice under various scenarios.
  • Practical and Professional Skills: Students will need to select optimal strategies taking into account the business’ advantages and its constraints.
  • Transferable and Key Skills: Students will need to recognize the importance of CSR and incorporate it into strategy implementation.

Assessment 5: Business Case Study

The Business Case Study assignment requires you to analyse an existing business from the perspective of International Business Strategy and conduct the main tripod of analysis based on the following views: industry-based view, resource-based view and institution-based view, taking into account the concepts and theories learned during the semester. You will have to choose an existing business for your analysis by Week 3. The chosen business has to be approved by the module leader.

You must follow the specifications in the Assessment Guidelines. It will provide you a step-by-step guide to complete the assessment successfully.

During the semester, you will obtain feedback from the module leader. You might take into consideration that the more you take advantage of the feedback from the module leader, the better the work will be and the more you will learn.

In case of any further questions about the assessment, do not hesitate to contact the module leader.


Marking Criteria for Assessment 5: (LO-01, LO-02, LO-03 and LO-04 will be assessed)


  • KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING (40%). The student has a comprehensive knowledge of the different theoretical approaches within the discipline of International Business Strategy covered throughout the module. Moreover the student demonstrates in depth and breadth of coverage, as well as awareness of the nature of the debate and discussion within theories of international Business Strategy, analysing the main tripod Industry, resource and institution based views.
  • COGNITIVE SKILLS (20%). The student is able to demonstrate his/her knowledge through the use of examples, quotations and evidence. Moreover, the student is able to conduct a cross analysis in a coherent and appropriate structure where the main points are developed logically and the relevance of the material to the theme is made clear.
  • PRACTICAL and PROFESSIONAL SKILLS (20%). Students will need to research the main issues in the case related to international business strategy (cultural aspects, de-localization, outsourcing, networks) and provide the necessary evidence to support their analysis.
  • TRANSFERABLE and KEY SKILLS (20%). The student is able to communicate fluently in written form and using an appropriate style of writing. This written presentation element requires students to be able to present an assignment that is correct in terms of spelling, grammar, and paragraphing. Moreover, the student is able to consistently reference in accordance to Harvard style, including in-text referencing and full list of references. Moreover, the references reflect adequate reading and research from reliable academic sources.


For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online feedback, please refer to the MIUC lms student guideline.

Remember to log into MIUC NEOlms platform daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module sites!

Here you can find the MSG: 


Cover page for the assessment submissions:


Here is the class outline:

Online classes and recorded

Check the links to the recorded classes and the live stream

Link for live stream online
Link to recorded classes

Assessment 5: Business Case Study (60%)

Assessment Guideliness
Assessment 5: Business Case Study
Formative - Final assessment draft

Week 1 - Eurocentrism Impact on business Strategy (Introduction to the module)

Week description
Prezi Eurocentrism
Top 15 Best Global Brands Growth Comparison
Recorded Class 14.02
Recorded Class 16.02
Video Caos Theory Explained

Week 2 - Strategizing Around the Globe

Week Description
Prezi Strategizing around the globe
Video Zara Case Study
Video Nike Case Study
Recorded Class 21.02
Recorded Class 23.02

Week 3 - Managing Industry Competition

Week Description
Prezi - Managing Industry Competition
Video Microsoft x Apple
Video Blockbuster vs Netflix
Recorded Class 02.03
Recorded Class 07.03
Formative Assessment - Industry-based view

Week 4 - Leveraging Resources and Capabilities

Week description
Link to Prezi Leveraging Resources and Capabilities
Video Zara Case Study
VRIO Zara Study Case
Recorded class 09.03
Formative Assessment Resource Based View

Week 5 - Emphasizing Institutions, Cultures, and Ethics

Week description
Link to Prezi Emphasizing Institutions
Video Poor and Rich Countries
Video Culture Matters
In Class Exercise 1 - Industry and Resources
Recorded Class 14.03
Recorded Class 17.03 (In Class Exercise - not recorded).
Formative Assessment - Institution-Based View
Video Neuralink
Hofstede website link (comparison of cultural dimensions)

Week 6 - Growing and Internationalizing the Entrepreneurial Firm

Week description
Prezi to Entrepreneurial Firm
Uber Case Study
Exercise Entrepreneurial Strategy
Zara Case Study
Recorded Class 21.03
Recorded Class 23.03

Week 7 - Entering Foreign Markets

Week description
Foreign Markets
Foreign Market Entries Prezi
Revision Exercise 1
Nature of the relationship between international expansion and performance
Car Industry Revolution
Recorded Class 28.03
Recorded Class 30.03

Week 8 - Making Strategic Alliances and Networks Work

Week description
Prezi Strategic Alliances and Network
Revision Exercise 2
Strategic Alliances Game
Video Strategic Alliance - Uber x Spotfy
Video History of amazon
In Class Exercise 2 - Institution-based view and entering foreign markets

Week 9 - Managing Global Competitive Dynamics

Week description
Global Competitive Dynamics
Prezi Global Competitive Dynamics
Recorded Class 18.04
Recorded Class 20.04

Week 10 - Diversifying, Acquiring, and Restructuring

Week description
Diversification and Acquisition
Revision Exercise 3
Luxury brands diversification
McDonald's Diversification failures
Recorded Class 25.04
Recorded Class 27.04

Week 11 - Strategizing, Structuring, and Learning Around the World

Week description
Prezi Strategizing, structuring and learning
Revision Exercise 4
In Class Exercise 3 - strategic alliances and restructuring strategies.

Week 12 - Governing the Corporation Around the World

Week description
Prezi Corporate Governance
Video Microsoft Strategy
Video Microsoft vs Apple
Corporate Governance Game
Video Apple Strategy

Week 13 - Strategizing With Corporate Social Responsibility

Week description
Corporate Social Responsibility
Prezi Corporate Social Responsibility
Video Vokswagen Scandal
Video VW solution
Video Nestle's Scandal
Video Nestle Solution
Video Lance Armstrong Scandal
Video LAnce Armstrong Nike
Video Nike Response Lance Armstrong

Week 14 - Corporate Strategy for Family Business

Week description
Prezi Family Business Governance
Family Business Governance
In Class Exercise 4 - Global Governance Management