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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 4 Calendar view

Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Modelling (2022-2023)

Eduardo Rivera
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

Join the class online

You can find here: 1- The Google Meet link to connect to class online. 2. A link to the folder with all the recordings of the sessions.

Google Meet - Online Classes and Recordings

Week 1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Session 1 - Introduction to the module Session 2 - Scratch and LearningML

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Recording

Week 2 – Introduction to Data Cleaning and Visualization

Session 1 - Introduction to Knime and Data Visualization Session 2 - Data Cleaning

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Recording

Week 3 – Classification and Decision Trees

Session 1 - Classification and Decision Trees Session 2 - Practical Exercises

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Recording

Weeks 4, 5 and 6 – Model Evaluation and Further Classification Algorithms

Session 1 - Model Evaluation Session 2 - Model Comparison, Random Forest and Boosted Trees Session 3 - Practical Exercise Session 4 - K-Nearest Neighbors Session 5 - Classification Summary and Extra exercises

Week Description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Recording
Session 3 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 3 - Recording
Session 4 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 4 - Recording
Session 5 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 5 - Recording

Weeks 6 and 7 – Regression

Session 1 - Introduction to Regression Problems and Linear Regression Session 2 - Disadvantages and Improvements of Linear Regression, and Evaluation of Regression Models

Week Description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 2 - Recording

Week 7 – Natural Language Processing

Session 1 - Natural Language Processing

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording

Spring Holidays

Week 8 – Neural Networks

Session 1 - Neural Networks and ChatGPT

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording

Weeks 8 and 9 – Presentations: Applications of Machine Learning

Sessions 1 and 2 - Student's Presentation and Further Applications of Neural Networks

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Recording

Weeks 9, 10 and 11 – Clustering

Session 1 - Introduction to Clustering Session 2 - Clustering - Limitations and Challenges Session 3 - Clustering - Practical Exercises and Dimensionality Reduction Session 4 - Bank holiday Session 5 - Clustering - Practical Exercises II

Week Description
Session 1 - Possible Exercise Solutions
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Recording
Session 3 - Recording
Session 5 - Recording
Sessions 3 and 5 - Possible Exercise Solutions

Dimensionality Reduction

Note: Dimensionality Reduction was covered together with Clustering in the previous sessions, but the materials associated to it are included in this lesson.

Week Description
Dimensionality Reduction - Possible Exercise Solutions

Week 12 – Further Tools used in Machine Learning

Session 1 - Programming and BigML Session 1 - Power BI

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording
Session 2 - Recording

Week 13 - Recapitulation, Remarks, Doubts

Sessions 1 and 2

Week Description
Session 1 - Recording

Week 14 - Final Project

Sessions 1 and 2

Week Description