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MA (2 years) International Relations Calendar view

International Political economy (2022-23)

Academic Office Miuc
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.


Here is the class outline:

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Reading for seminar sessions

Reading for seminar sessions

Reading for seminar sessions

Week 1

Module introduction and overview

Week 1 Introduction and Overview of the module

Week 2, 3 & 4

Examine how domestic politics shape government trade policies.

Week 2, 3 & 4 Interests and Preferences in Trade Policy

Week 4

The political economy of multinational corporations

Week 4 International Capital Mobility

Week 5

The political economy of multinational corporations_continued

Week 5 Foreign Direct Investment and Host Countries

Week 6

Evolution of the international monetary system.

Week 6 Exchange Rate Policies and Forex Intervention I

Week 7

Domestic politics of monetary and exchange-rate policies

Week 7 Exchange Rate Policies and Forex Intervention II

Week 8

Developing countries’ relationships with the international financial system

Week 8 Financial Crisis and The Politics of Adjustment

Week 9

The impact of IMF lending and foreign aids

Week 9 IMF Lending and Foreign Aids

Week 10

The shift in development strategies from inward to export-oriented

Week 10 Growth and Development in Open Economy

Week 11

The political economy and migration policy in the era of globalisation

Week 11 The Political Economy of International Migration

Week 12

Major policy debates

Week 12 Globalisation, Achievements, Challenges and Transformation

Week 13

Review of the module

Week 13 Review

Week 14

Final paper presentation

Week 14 Final Research Paper presentation