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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 2 Calendar view

EU Policies and Politics BA

Beata Froehlich
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

he module provides in-depth knowledge of the EU’s institutions, politics and policies. It covers legislative, executive, and judicial politics and their impact in EU member and non-member states. It reviews the EU project, and its history, objectives, members, important figures, complex mechanism of the governing and non-governing bodies of the EU. Some relevant major issues will be also studied, like the euro, the European market, the EU enlargement, the economic crisis, along with the main consequences of membership for the European people, ranging from environmental questions, to labor market structure and political culture. The course will seek the definition of concepts such as supranational democracy, accountability, multiculturalism, sovereignty, democratic deficit, etc. Special attention will be paid to the future of the EU and its role in the international relations and conflicts such as Syria and the recent crisis on refugees. This module will run throughout the semester (14 weeks).



Level 4 

Credits: 5 ECTS, 10 UK credits

Module leader: Beata Froehlich

Office hour: Fridays 10:00am to 12:00pm

Assessment methods

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this module students will be able to:

LO1. Comprehend the EU creation, raison d'être and development;

LO2. Provide a comprehensive coverage of European Union Institutions;

LO3. Understand the EU decision-making process, enforcement of EU law and judicial review;

LO4. Follow current developments in Europe and the EU’s external relations.


For more details, please see the attached MSG: YR2_(L4)_EUPP_MSG_-_Beata(3).pdf

Here is the class outline:

1. Week 1 - Introduction to the Module

Week description
Materials for the Week

2. Week 2 - The European Project: Chronological sequence, European Economic Community. In Class Form...

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Materials for the Week

3. Week 3 - Treaty making I: A glimpse at the history of treaty making. Treaty of Lisbon, Nice, Amst...

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Materials for the Week

4. Week 4 - Treaty making II: Treaties in force. Treaty on European Union and Treaty on the function...

Week description

5. Week 5 - Charter of the fundamental rights of EU. Anti-discrimination.

Week description

6. Week 6 - The European Commission

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Materials for the Week

7. Week 7 - The European Council. In Class Individual Formative Presentation on the topics of the Po...

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Materials for a Week

8. Week 8 - The European Parliament. In Class Individual Formative Presentation on the topics of the...

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Materials for a Week

9. Week 9 - Judicial Review. Justice Institutions. Finance and advisory institutions. Summative Asse...

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Materials for a Week

10. Week 10 - Single European Market

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Materials for a Week

11. Week 11 - Economic and Monetary Union. EU Competition Law.

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Materials for a Week

12. Week 12 -Enlargement

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Materials for a Week
Class Recording -- Tuesday

13. Week 13 - External Relations. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

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Materials for a Week

14. Week 14 - Enforcement. Brexit. Course Wrap-up.

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Materials for a Week